


藏 品:元青花龙纹象耳瓶

編 號:1205



規 格:H:63cm C:14.7cm




瓶盘口,长颈,瘦腹,台足,颈部两侧各附一象首环耳,形制硕大挺拔,精美浑厚。胎质为麻仓土,纯手工拉坯,凹凸不平,老旧厚重。釉面白中微微泛青,肥厚瑩润,光滑细腻。青花发色靓丽浓艳,深入胎骨,呈现出进口苏麻离青沽料的明显特征。从口至足包括象耳共绘九层纹饰,寓意九五之尊。分别以缠枝菊、蕉叶纪年铭文(至正十一年)、象耳衔环、凤纹、缠枝莲、海水龙纹、云纹、缠枝牡丹、莲瓣道教法器,共计九层。器身主纹饰绘海水龙纹,龙纹凶猛威严,腾云驾雾,气势磅礴。层次清晰,主次分明,繁而不乱,保存完整,其历史价值,研究价值、人文审美艺术价值极高。此件象耳尊记载着中国元青花发展史的重要地位,属于元青花瓷器史上的巅峰之作。具有极高的升值空间和收藏价值。 The vase has a dish shaped mouth, a long neck, a thin belly, legs, and two elephant head rings attached to each side of the neck. It is large and straight in shape, exquisite and thick. The texture of the porcelain body is made of clay from Machangshan, which is handmade and uneven, with a heavy and antique appearance. The glazed surface is slightly bluish white, thick and lustrous, smooth and delicate. The blue and white hair color is beautiful and rich, penetrating deep into the fetal bone, presenting the obvious characteristics of imported Su Ma Li Qing Gu material. From the mouth to the feet, including the elephant ears, there are nine layers of decorative patterns painted, which means' the revered figure of 95 '. There are a total of nine layers, including inscriptions on the dates of the chrysanthemum and banana leaves (from the 11th year of the Zhizheng reign), elephant ear rings, phoenix patterns, lotus flowers, sea dragon patterns, cloud patterns, peony flowers, and lotus petal Taoist vessels. The main decoration of the vessel is painted with sea dragon patterns, which are fierce and majestic, soaring through clouds and mist, and majestic. Clear hierarchy, distinct priorities, complex yet not chaotic, well preserved, with extremely high historical value, research value, and humanistic aesthetic artistic value. This elephant ear statue records the important position of the development history of Chinese Yuan blue and white porcelain, and belongs to the pinnacle of Yuan blue and white porcelain history. Has extremely high appreciation potential and collectible value.