清乾隆 御制矾红洋彩海水双龙大尊

清乾隆 御制矾红洋彩海水双龙大尊


藏 品:清乾隆 御制矾红洋彩海水双龙大尊

編 號:1197



規 格:H:54cm




清乾隆 御制矾红洋彩海水江崖双龙赶珠纹大尊,款识:「大清乾隆年制」六字三行篆书款,是器型、纹饰、工艺、题材各方面来说都是存世极为罕见的一件乾隆御窑。本品器型及纹饰皆与雍正青花大尊相同,唯有绘饰方式以矾红彩取代青花,而矾红龙纹者,堪称是孤品,矾红器和釉下青花不同,还需要回窑低温二次焙烧,要成就如此大器,成品率可想而知。The Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty made a large statue with the pattern of alum red, ocean colored, sea water, river cliffs, and double dragons chasing pearls. The inscription reads: "Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty" with six characters and three lines of seal script. It is an extremely rare Qianlong imperial kiln in terms of vessel shape, decoration, craftsmanship, and subject matter. The shape and decoration of this product are the same as those of the Yongzheng Blue and White Grand Zun, except that the painting method uses alum red color instead of blue and white. The alum red dragon pattern is considered a unique product. Unlike underglaze blue and white, alum red vessels require low-temperature secondary firing in the kiln. To achieve such a large vessel, the yield rate can be imagined.