


藏 品:汝窑高足杯

編 號:1192



規 格:H:11.5cm W:14cm




本品釉色素雅幽静,器表腴润,观之端凝大气,清雅绝伦,釉面莹洁如玉,其飘逸素雅之美,观之忘俗,釉质滋润,釉面细腻,釉水亮丽,胎釉结合紧密,胎色纯正,层次感明显,釉色丰腴莹润,造型稳健秀雅,甚有宋瓷古雅肃穆之遗韵,沉稳大气,线条流转细腻而富有韵律,视之予人以沉静素雅之美,配以发色纯美的釉质,达到造型与色彩最佳结合之唯美境界,釉色风格独具,釉面开片纹乃出窑冷却时,釉与胎收缩速度不同所致,却成汝瓷特色,除独特的工艺及釉料配方外,对窑位窑温的把握却仍需天时地利,非人为可控。The glaze of this product is elegant and quiet, the surface is productive, the end of the view is elegant and elegant, the glaze is like jade, its elegant and elegant beauty, the view is forget the vulgar, the glaze is moist, the glaze is delicate, The glaze is bright, the tire glaze is tightly combined, the tire color is pure, the sense of hierarchy is obvious, the glaze is plump and lush, the shape is stable and elegant, and there is even the ancient and solemn rhyme of Song porcelain, calm atmosphere, the lines flow delicately and rhythmically, depending on the beauty of calm and elegant beauty, with the pure enamel of the hair color, To achieve the perfect combination of style and color, the glaze style is unique, and the fragmentation of the glaze is due to the difference in the rate of contraction of the glazes and the embryo when the kiln cools, but it is characteristic of the ceramics. In addition to the unique process and glaze formulation, the control of kiln temperature in the kiln still needs natural conditions and is not artificially controllable.