


藏 品:粉彩仕女图盘

編 號:1182



規 格:D:50cm




本品纹饰布局繁缛,描绘精致,颜色配比亮丽,更富有色阶变幻,极具立体感,唯深蕴中华传统艺术基础,既典雅,亦创新,其釉极莹极润,其色极妍极鲜,绝非后来所能及,所敷彩料,匀净亮丽,尤以蓝彩夺目,融入中国传统纹饰,需高超工艺且精准施作,自然逼真,肃穆的神态,增加了威严雄伟之感,具有独特的艺术效果,成品新颖异趣,繁美雅丽,然寥若晨星,极是珍罕,气韵清雅脱俗,色彩淡雅逸丽,运笔自然流畅,层次清晰,阴阳向背,栩栩如生,风景描绘秀丽,静中有动,动静结合,相互映衬,绘画风格、施彩、构图技法皆源于西洋艺术,制作刻意求精,极尽装饰之能事,色彩鲜艳华丽,质感细腻,西洋艺术风格十分浓厚,是中西文化艺术的结晶。The decoration layout of this product is intricate, the depiction is exquisite, the color ratio is bright, and it is full of color gradient changes, with a strong sense of three dimensionality. It deeply embodies the foundation of traditional Chinese art, which is both elegant and innovative. Its glaze is extremely bright and moist, and its color is extremely bright and fresh, which is beyond what can be achieved later. The applied materials are even and bright, especially the blue color is eye-catching, integrated into traditional Chinese decoration, requiring superb craftsmanship and precise application. The natural and realistic, solemn expression increases the sense of majesty and magnificence, and has a unique artistic effect. The finished product is novel and interesting, exquisite and beautiful, but rare as a morning star, with a clear and elegant temperament, elegant and elegant colors, natural and smooth brushwork, clear layers, yin and yang. Back facing, lifelike, beautiful scenery depicted, with movement in stillness, a combination of movement and stillness, complementing each other. The painting style, coloring, and composition techniques all originate from Western art, Deliberately refined in production, fully utilizing the ability of decoration, with bright and gorgeous colors, delicate texture, and a strong Western art style, it is the crystallization of Chinese and Western cultural arts.