


藏 品:釉里红模印白地海水龙纹梅瓶

編 號:1154



規 格:H:35cm、D:14cm




本品整体气势磅礴,具有强烈的艺术感染力和视觉冲击力,极见大家之气,集美、艺、学于一身,静心所求,制作规整,线条流畅,造型优美,从胎釉、造型、纹饰、釉色乃至存相,各个方面均是精臻至极,细细品赏,优美曲线塑造出柔和匀称的造型,由于铜元素在高温下极易挥发甚至在釉汁中扩散,对于这种极为敏感的红料,陶匠必须小心谨慎处理釉汁成份、铜红料比例、窑内的焙烧温度和氧化程度,以及瓷胎在炉膛内的摆放位置,以期达预期的颜色效果。如果温度过高,铜料会全部挥发干净,温度过低则彩晦暗,即使工匠极尽能事,不理想的釉里红产品仍是占了大多数,在这样几近苛刻的呈色环境下,所呈现出的紫红色并略微泛灰色色调,且发色匀称即是标准至极,具有极高的艺术成就。This product has a magnificent overall momentum, with strong artistic and visual impact, which is highly visible to everyone. It combines beauty, art, and learning, and is carefully crafted with smooth lines and beautiful shapes. From the body glaze, shape, decoration, glaze color, and even appearance, every aspect is extremely exquisite. When savored carefully, the beautiful curves shape a soft and symmetrical shape. Due to the easy volatilization of copper elements at high temperatures and even diffusion in the glaze, for this highly sensitive red material, the potter must carefully handle the composition of the glaze, the proportion of copper red material, the baking temperature and oxidation degree in the kiln, as well as the placement of the porcelain body in the furnace, in order to achieve the expected color. Effect. If the temperature is too high, the copper material will evaporate completely, and if the temperature is too low, the color will be dull. Even if the craftsman tries their best, the majority of unsatisfactory underglaze red products still exist. In such a nearly demanding coloring environment, the resulting purple red color with a slight gray tone and uniform hair color is the ultimate standard, which has a high artistic achievement.