


藏 品:青花人物故事纹抱月瓶

編 號:1152



規 格:H:27cm、W:21cm




本品大气古朴的造型,细腻洁白的胎质,莹润亮青的釉汁,清新流畅的纹饰,发色浓艳的青花,底釉白中闪青,色泽滋润、匀净,青花浓重艳丽,自然晕散,造型高雅隽美,青花呈色艳丽,釉色莹润,纹饰线条流畅,整器纹饰布局疏朗,线条流畅,笔触细腻,砂底细滑,其饰如同水墨般晕散的青料呈色,千瓷百态的造型,精细的胎釉和优美的纹饰,具有不可替代的震撼力,其超凡脱俗的艺术风格,胎体质地细腻,白度很高,透光度强,成型的稳定性极好,其内里的典雅清秀及外在的宏大气魄体现无疑,而是借鉴中加以创造,这样不仅适应了宫廷和中国人的审美情趣,继承传统器物的造型,极富历史韵味。This product has a grand and antique shape, delicate and pure body material, lustrous and bright blue glaze, fresh and smooth patterns, thick and bright blue and white hair, sparkling blue in the base glaze, moist and even color, thick and bright blue and white, naturally blending and dispersing. The shape is elegant and beautiful, with bright blue and white colors, lustrous glaze colors, smooth decorative lines, sparse and smooth decorative layout, smooth lines, delicate brushstrokes, and smooth sand base. Its decoration is like ink and wash, with a variety of ceramic shapes, fine body glaze, and beautiful patterns. It has an irreplaceable impact, and its extraordinary artistic style has delicate body material, high whiteness, and translucency. Strong in strength and excellent in stability during molding, its elegance and elegance, as well as its grand and majestic exterior, are undoubtedly reflected, but are created by drawing inspiration from it, This not only adapts to the aesthetic taste of the court and the Chinese people, but also inherits the shape of traditional artifacts, which is full of historical charm.