


藏 品:粉彩仙童献寿图双耳瓶

編 號:1139



規 格:H:34.5cm、C:7.4cm




本品胎质细洁致密,缜密细腻,釉料纯净光亮,胎釉紧密相合,淡色渲染,强调色彩与线条的有机结合,色彩不再是仅仅填在线与线之间,而是有所变化,近线处色彩深,依次渐渐变淡,由于色彩紧扣着线,线就更加突出了骨力,整体造型更加富有层次,色彩鲜丽纹饰极尽繁缛,粉彩色调秾艳丰富,着色技巧学自西洋画法,色调亮丽柔美,明暗效果鲜明,中西结合风韵,兼融并蓄,以画笔生动和布局精巧铸就其至高的艺术地位,成为瓷史之绝唱,色彩明丽,极显皇家贵气,形若满月,玲珑别致,胎釉细润,精巧端庄,运笔流畅,繁而不乱,构图严谨,笔法精细,高手如云,工致殊常,浓淡分水,立体感强,为陶瓷史上通景画的一无可超越的巅峰。The texture of this product is fine, clean, dense, meticulous, and delicate. The glaze is pure and bright, and the glaze is closely matched. The light color rendering emphasizes the organic combination of color and lines. The color is no longer just filled between lines, but changes. The color near the line is darker and gradually becomes lighter. As the color is tightly attached to the line, the line highlights the bone strength, and the overall shape is more layered. The color is bright and the decoration is extremely complicated. The pink color tone is rich and vibrant, and the coloring technique is learned from Western painting methods. The color tone is bright and soft, the light and dark effects are distinct, and the combination of Chinese and Western styles is integrated and stored. With vivid brushes and exquisite layout, it has become a masterpiece in the history of porcelain, with bright and beautiful colors. Extremely royal and noble, shaped like a full moon, exquisite and unique, with fine and smooth glaze, exquisite and dignified, smooth brushwork, complex yet not chaotic, rigorous composition, and fine brushwork, The masters are like clouds, with exceptional craftsmanship and a strong sense of depth, making it an unparalleled peak in the history of ceramic landscape painting.