


藏 品:胭脂红地粉彩缠枝花卉纹辅首瓶

編 號:1133



規 格:H:34cm、C:9.5cm




本品造型自然流畅,构图精巧,色泽艳丽,重迭交错,尊贵至极,笔触温婉,细腻入微,色彩丰富,展现了令人眼花缭乱的丰富色彩与细节,粉彩晕染,层次丰富,过渡柔和,予花卉之神韵质感,体布局均衡,填色精准,红彩纯正匀净,绿彩娇嫩青翠,黄彩明快润泽,诸彩交映出淡雅柔和、臻于至美的内廷恭造风格,品格不凡,铸就了中国陶瓷史上一段洋溢西洋气息的绮丽篇章,诸彩釉之搭配,主题纹饰的设计绘画细腻如真,丽质非凡,运笔点染,无不精致严谨,善于表现所绘物体形象的质感,色彩粉润艳丽,构图疏落有致,纹饰布局匀称工整,精工细巧,富丽华贵,施彩艳而不俗,清新雅致别具一格。This product has a natural and smooth shape, exquisite composition, bright colors, overlapping and interweaving, extremely noble, gentle brushstrokes, delicate and meticulous, rich colors, showing a dazzling array of rich colors and details. Pink blending, rich layers, and soft transitions give flowers a sense of charm and texture. The body layout is balanced, the color filling is precise, the red color is pure and even, the green color is delicate and green, the yellow color is bright and moist, and the various colors reflect the elegant and soft, exquisite and beautiful style of the imperial court. Its character is extraordinary, and it has created a beautiful chapter in the history of Chinese ceramics that is full of Western flavor. The combination of various colored glazes and the design and painting of the theme decoration are delicate and true, with extraordinary beauty. The brushwork and dyeing are all exquisite and rigorous. Skilled in expressing the texture of the object being painted, with bright and vibrant colors, a balanced and orderly composition, well proportioned and neat decorative patterns, and exquisite craftsmanship, Rich and luxurious, with vibrant and elegant colors, fresh and unique.