何朝宗 德化白釉观音菩萨立像

何朝宗 德化白釉观音菩萨立像


藏 品:何朝宗 德化白釉观音菩萨立像

編 號:1001



規 格:H:51.5cm




何朝宗为中国明代瓷塑家。(1522-1600年)何朝宗生活在明代嘉靖,万历年间。自幼受环境熏陶,喜爱瓷塑工艺,拜当地人为师。早年为宫庙泥塑各种神仙佛像。他的瓷塑作品,吸收泥塑,木雕和石刻造像的各种技法,结合瓷土特性,博取各家之长。他所塑造的的各种古佛神仙,发挥传统雕塑传神写意的长处,微妙地表现人物内心世界,富有神韵。在注意人物内在表现的同时,着意外表的衣纹刻画,线条清晰,简洁,潇洒,多变化,柔媚流畅,翻转自然,圆劲有力。塑造的形象既有共同特征,又有不同个性,形神兼备,富有艺术魅力。Emperor He Chaozong was a porcelain sculptor of the Ming Dynasty in China. (1522-1600) He Chaozong lived during the Jiajing and Wanli periods of the Ming Dynasty. Influenced by the environment since childhood, I have a love for porcelain sculpture craftsmanship and have studied under the local people. In his early years, he clay sculpted various immortal Buddha statues for the palace and temple. His porcelain sculpture works absorb various techniques of clay sculpture, wood carving, and stone carving, combined with the characteristics of porcelain clay, and draw on the strengths of various schools. The various ancient Buddhas and immortals he created utilize the advantages of traditional sculpture in conveying spirit and freehand brushwork, subtly depicting the inner world of the characters and full of charm. While paying attention to the inner expression of the characters, pay attention to the depiction of their clothing patterns on the outside, with clear, concise, and elegant lines, multiple variations, soft and smooth, natural flipping, and powerful roundness. The image created has both common characteristics and different personalities, with both form and spirit, and is full of artistic charm.