明永乐 紫铜胎鎏金黄财神坐像

明永乐 紫铜胎鎏金黄财神坐像


藏 品:明永乐 紫铜胎鎏金黄财神坐像

編 號:5011


成交價:GBP: 350,000.00

規 格:H:22cm W:15cm




此尊头戴七叶宝冠,束发髻高耸,余髪披肩,耳饰圆铛。忿怒相,开脸丰腴圆润,杏眼圆睁,宽鼻厚唇。左手执象征财富的吐宝鼠,右手托布拉嘎如意宝,上躯袒露,下着裙裳,饰璎珞、钏环。左舒坐于仰覆莲座上,右脚踩海螺宝瓶,象征他有入海取宝的法力,台座莲瓣宽肥舒展,尖端微翘,底边外张呈卷唇状触地,上缘饰连珠纹一圈。整像金水一流,包浆醇厚老道,宝光内蕴,具有极高的艺术性和收藏价值。This statue wears a seven leaf crown on its head, with a high bun tied around its hair, and its remaining hair draped over its shoulders. Its earrings are round and bell shaped. Angry, with a plump and round face, almond eyes wide open, a wide nose and thick lips. Holding the spitting treasure mouse symbolizing wealth in the left hand, and holding the auspicious treasure in the right hand, the upper body is exposed, wearing a skirt and adorned with necklaces and bracelets. Zuo Shu sat on a lotus throne, with his right foot stepping on a conch vase, symbolizing his magical power to retrieve treasures from the sea. The lotus petals on the pedestal were wide, fat, and stretched, with the tip slightly upturned. The bottom edge stretched out in a curled lip shape, touching the ground, and the upper edge was adorned with a circle of bead patterns. The whole image is top-notch in terms of gold and water, with a mellow and old-fashioned coating and a rich treasure light, possessing extremely high artistic and collectible value.