清代 皇室金器“花丝镶嵌”金尊

清代 皇室金器“花丝镶嵌”金尊


藏 品:清代 皇室金器“花丝镶嵌”金尊

編 號:5005



規 格:H:30.50cm WT:1757g 镶嵌63颗宝石




花丝镶嵌--诞生于 3000 多年前的春秋商周时代,盛行唐代,明代,清代将这传承千年的古老技艺工发展到巅峰!花丝镶嵌是一门皇家绝技,乃“燕京八绝”之首!是金丝和镶嵌两种工艺的巧妙结合,是将黄金加工成细丝,再经盘曲、掐丝、填丝、堆垒、攒焊、编织等手段制作、并镶嵌总数 63 颗碧玺和宝石(其中一颗为黑色珍贵的四道猫眼宝石)的工艺品,所用原材料十昂贵、人工耗费巨大、非皇宫廷不足以享用!此金尊具有唐代风格、造型独特、工艺复杂、上有威武双龙、布满金丝编制精美花卉、并镶嵌了碧玺和宝石,实为惟妙惟肖、精美绝伦、存世唯一、弥足珍贵,是皇室专享的高级奢侈品!彰显皇家的高贵、典雅气质!2008 年 6 月,花丝镶嵌制作技艺被列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录。以精妙绝伦之姿赢得世界的喝彩。中国传统手工艺的名声再次享誉全球。Flower silk inlay - born over 3000 years ago in the Spring and Autumn, Shang and Zhou dynasties, it was popular in the Tang, Ming, and Qing dynasties, and this ancient craftsmanship that has been passed down for thousands of years has been developed to its peak! Flower silk inlay is a royal skill, which is the top of the "Eight Wonders of Yanjing"! It is a clever combination of gold wire and inlay techniques. It is a handicraft that processes gold into fine threads, and then uses methods such as coiling, pinching, filling, stacking, welding, weaving, etc. to make and inlay a total of 63 tourmalines and gemstones (one of which is a precious black cat's eye gemstone). The raw materials used are very expensive, the labor cost is huge, and it is not enough for non imperial courts to enjoy! This golden statue has a Tang Dynasty style, unique design, complex craftsmanship, and is adorned with majestic double dragons. It is adorned with exquisite flowers woven with gold wire and inlaid with tourmalines and gemstones. It is truly lifelike, exquisite, unique, and precious. It is a luxury item exclusively enjoyed by the royal family! Showcasing the noble and elegant temperament of the royal family! In June 2008, the technique of flower silk inlay was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list. Winning the applause of the world with exquisite and unparalleled appearance. The reputation of traditional Chinese handicrafts is once again renowned worldwide.