明永乐 铜鎏金千尊佛母像

明永乐 铜鎏金千尊佛母像


藏 品:明永乐 铜鎏金千尊佛母像

編 號:5001


成交價:GBP: 5,000,000.00

規 格:H:70cm




这件作品是一件稀有的表现尊胜佛母的塔状立体曼荼罗,立体、全方位的呈 现了一座完整的佛母坛城。此尊造型结构复杂,下部为带束腰式下宽上窄的台座。 底座为倒梯形,上下檐均铸绵密的缠枝莲纹浮雕,座前、后、左、右各突出力士 撑起之露台,台边缘处凿刻连珠纹。坛城顶端有佛塔一座,龛内为佛顶尊胜仪轨 的护法尊。佛母呈金刚跚趺坐姿于中间,三面八臂,为其常见之形象,三面均戴 五叶宝冠,冠叶雕刻十分精巧,顶结高发髻,上托摩尼宝珠,发髻染糸甘蓝色,余 发垂搭于身体两侧。面上各具三眼,兼容端庄圆润,五官精致柔美,额部高广, 鼻长而挺,嘴角略带微笑,表情慈悲和善,耳坠大耳铛,庄严殊胜,神态祥和静 谧。八臂位置、手势各异,右第一手持四色十字金刚羯摩杵,表降魔降灾事业成 就。二手托莲座上有阿弥陀佛(亦或为大日如来)为其上师,表怀爱。三手持箭 代表勾召众生的悲心。四手施愿印置于右腿前,表示满足一切众生的心愿。左手 第一手愤怒拳印持绢索,代表降伏一切难调伏之众生。二手上扬作施无畏印,代 表使众生远离一切怖畏。三手持弓者,代表超胜三界。四手结定印上托甘露宝瓶, 表示使众生得以长寿无病。富于动感,姿态优雅写实。此外,有供养天女在宫殿 的楼阁上翩翩起舞。佛母身形结构比例完美,配饰包括耳壬当、项链、壬婴珞、钏镯、腰带等,工艺 精巧华丽,身着薄裙,轻柔贴体,裙边在座面铺展开。帔帛从肩上绕臂而下,垂 搭于莲花座,美感尽显。圆形莲座端庄华丽,仰覆莲瓣层叠有序,上下对称分布, 束腰明显,具平衡大气之美,莲瓣上沿有细密的阴刻线表示花梗,构思精巧细腻, 座上缘饰饱满的连珠纹一周,下缘有多层台阶提高底座,彰显造像的尊贵地位。 莲台正面边缘阴文寥刻「大明永乐年施」款,款铭清晰,笔划稳健,端庄典雅。This work is a rare tower shaped three-dimensional mandala that showcases the reverence for the Buddha Mother, presenting a complete Buddha Mother mandala in a three-dimensional and all-round manner. This statue has a complex structural design, with a waistband style lower wide and upper narrow pedestal. The base is an inverted trapezoid, and the upper and lower eaves are all cast with dense lotus pattern reliefs. The terrace is supported by prominent warriors in front, back, left, and right of the base, and the edge of the terrace is carved with continuous bead patterns. There is a pagoda at the top of the mandala, and inside the niche is the Dharma Protector of the Buddha's supreme ritual. The Buddha's mother sits in a posture of Vajra limping in the middle, with eight arms on three sides, which is a common image of her. She wears a five leaf crown on all three sides, and the crown and leaves are exquisitely carved. The top of the crown is tied in a high bun, with Mani beads on top. The bun is dyed sweet blue, and the remaining hair hangs on both sides of her body. On the face, each person has three eyes, which are dignified and round, with delicate and delicate facial features. The forehead is high and wide, the nose is long and straight, and there is a slight smile on the corner of the mouth. The expression is compassionate and kind, and the earrings are big and bell shaped. It is solemn and unique, with a peaceful and peaceful expression. The positions and gestures of the eight arms vary, with the first person on the right holding a four color cross Vajra Karma pestle, indicating the achievements of the demon slaying and disaster reduction career. On the second-hand Torian throne, Amitabha Buddha (also known as the Great Sun Tathagata) is his master, expressing his love. Three arrows in hand represent the compassion that summons sentient beings. The four handed wish imprint is placed in front of the right leg, indicating the fulfillment of the wishes of all sentient beings. The first angry fist imprint on the left hand holds a silk cord, representing the surrender of all difficult to subdue sentient beings. The second-hand upward movement is used as a symbol of fearlessness, representing the avoidance of all fears among sentient beings. The three wielding bows represent victory over the three realms. The four handed seal is placed on the bottle of sweet dew, indicating that it enables all beings to live a long life without illness. Rich in dynamism, elegant and realistic posture. In addition, there are supporting heavenly maidens dancing gracefully on the pavilions of the palace. The proportion of the Buddha's mother's body structure is perfect, with accessories including ear bracelets, necklaces, baby bracelets, bracelets, belts, etc. The craftsmanship is exquisite and gorgeous, wearing a thin skirt that fits gently to the body, with the skirt edge spread out on the seat. Pei silk wraps around the arm from the shoulder and hangs over the lotus seat, showcasing its beauty. The circular lotus seat is dignified and magnificent, with folded lotus petals arranged in an orderly manner, symmetrically distributed up and down. The waist is clearly tied, and it has a balanced and atmospheric beauty. The upper edge of the lotus petals has fine engraved lines indicating the flower stem, with exquisite and delicate design. The edge of the seat is decorated with a full circle of bead patterns, and the lower edge has multiple steps to enhance the base, highlighting the noble status of the statue. On the edge of the front of the lotus platform, there is a few engraved inscriptions of "Da Ming Yongle Nian Shi", with clear inscriptions, steady strokes, and a dignified and elegant style.