溥儒 《青绿山水图轴》

溥儒 《青绿山水图轴》


藏 品:溥儒 《青绿山水图轴》

編 號:3025


成交價:GBP: 320,000.00

規 格:99.5×40cm




款识:迤逦岗峦外,环溪几处村。 流沙翻白浪,断壁界青痕。倚涧瞻岭树,听泉枕石根。上方连鸟道,幽渺隔空门。师李晞古法,心佘。 钤印:旧王孙(朱)、溥儒(白) 作者简介:溥儒,满族,原名爱新觉罗·溥儒,初字仲衡,改字心畬,自号羲皇上人、西山逸士,北京人,著名书画家、收藏家。为清恭亲王奕䜣之孙。曾留学德国,笃嗜诗文、书画,皆有成就。画工山水、兼擅人物、花卉及书法,与张大千有“南张北溥”之誉,又与吴湖帆并称“南吴北溥”。Taste: Outside the winding hills, there are several villages surrounding the river. Flowing sand turns over white waves, leaving green marks on broken walls. Leaning against the stream and gazing at the trees, listening to the spring and pillow the stone roots. Above, there is a bird path, separated by a secluded empty door. Master Li Xi's ancient method, with a heart of She. Seal: Old Wang Sun (Zhu), Puru (Bai) Author Introduction: Puru, Manchu, originally named Aixinjueluo Puru, originally named Zhongheng, changed to Xinshe, self named Xihuang Shangren, Xishan Yishi, born in Beijing, is a famous calligrapher and collector. He is the grandson of Prince Qinggong Yiyi. I have studied abroad in Germany and have a strong passion for poetry, calligraphy, and painting, both of which have achieved success. He is skilled in painting landscapes, figures, flowers, and calligraphy, and is known as the "Southern Zhang and Northern Pu" alongside Zhang Daqian. He is also known as the "Southern Wu and Northern Pu" alongside Wu Hufan.