


藏 品:青玉铭文瑞兽摆件

編 號:2039



規 格:H:18cm WT:4800g




青玉铭文瑞兽摆件,高:18cm 重:4800g,此物为汉武帝刘彻爱不释手的瑞兽手把件,青玉质地,细腻温润,身有红、黄沁色,错金、铭文、古意盎然。整体雕成瑞兽形象,瑞兽造型生动独特,比例结构准确,四肢贴地,后肢稍微弯曲,头部微仰前视,尾部自然舒卷,与头部的动态交相呼应,轮廓线条张弛曼妙,静中蕴动。整体造型虬劲有力,神韵俱佳。整观,瑞兽雕刻精细,神态逼真;材质通透,质地均匀,打磨精良,浑然天成,无不令人惊叹。玉的灵性与瑞兽本身的祥瑞寓意,玉赋予瑞兽以灵气,瑞兽给予玉以美态与神秘,让二者的结合达到了一种境界,成为最为经典的组合。是一件玉雕的大成之作,是不可多得的珍品。Blue jade inscription auspicious beast ornament, height: 18cm, weight: 4800g. This is a precious beast handlebar that Emperor Wu of Han, Liu Che, couldn't put it down. The texture of the blue jade is delicate and warm, with red and yellow body colors, inlaid with gold, inscriptions, and a rich sense of antiquity. The overall design is carved into the image of a auspicious beast, which is vivid and unique in shape, with accurate proportion and structure. The limbs are close to the ground, the hind limbs are slightly bent, the head is slightly tilted forward, and the tail is naturally curled, echoing the dynamic of the head. The contour lines are relaxed and graceful, with a sense of stillness and movement. The overall design is strong and powerful, with excellent charm. Overall, the auspicious beast is finely carved and has a lifelike expression; The material is transparent, the texture is even, and the polishing is excellent, creating a natural and stunning effect. The spirituality of jade and the auspicious meaning of the auspicious beast itself, jade endows the auspicious beast with spiritual energy, while the auspicious beast endows the jade with beauty and mystery, allowing the combination of the two to reach a state of unity and become the most classic combination. It is a masterpiece of jade carving and a rare treasure.