


藏 品:乾隆和田碧玉玉玺“自强不息”铜鎏金龙纹玺盒(一组)

編 號:2023



規 格:鎏金铜盒H:16cm×W:12cm;碧玉玉玺H:8cm×9cm WT:1300g




乾隆和田碧玉玉玺“自强不息”铜鎏金龙纹玺一枚,玺碧玉质,交龙钮,印面正方形,阴文篆书“自强不息”四字。玉质莹润凝重,包浆温润,正中雕交龙,形象生动自然,造型浑厚古朴,制作规范。宝玺原是三方一组套印中的一方,为压脚章,其印文“自强不息”源自儒家文化重要典籍之一的《周易》,其“干卦”中有言“天行健,君子以自强不息”。乾隆帝在为自己寿跻八旬深感得意的时候,同样隐隐流露出内心深处那种不自觉的忧患意识,“自强不息”正是这种忧患意识的反映,是对自己的一种鞭策。此玉玺配铜鎏金龙纹印盒,玉玺保存至今,完好无损,实为难得之精品。The Qianlong Hetian Biyu Seal features a bronze gilded dragon patterned seal with the motto of "Striving for self-improvement". The seal is made of jade and features a cross dragon button, with a square printing surface and the four characters "Striving for self-improvement" written in Yin script and seal script. The jade is shiny and dignified, with a warm and smooth coating. The dragon is carved in the center, creating a vivid and natural image. The shape is rich and rustic, and the production is standardized. Baoxi was originally one of the three sets of overprinting seals, known as the presser foot seal. Its seal "self-improvement and perseverance" originated from one of the important Confucian cultural classics, the "Book of Changes". Its "Gan Gua" states that "heaven is strong, and a gentleman is determined by self-improvement and perseverance.". When Emperor Qianlong felt proud of his eightieth birthday, he also faintly revealed the unconscious sense of worry in his heart. "Self improvement and perseverance" was a reflection of this sense of worry and a kind of self motivation. This jade seal is paired with a copper gilded dragon print box. The jade seal has been preserved to this day and is in good condition, making it a rare masterpiece.