


藏 品:战汉和田玉

編 號:2009



規 格:WT:660g 24.44mmx176.26mmx11.76mm




战汉24条螭龙缠太阳神璧的意义主要体现在以下几个方面: 文化象征:新疆和田玉在中国文化中具有独特的魅力和价值,被视为华夏文明的基石。这件玉璧上的龙不仅体现了君主帝王的意志,也寄托了对国运的祈盼。 艺术价值 整器器型规整,线条流畅,做工精致,寓意美好。这件玉璧不仅是一件精美的艺术品,也蕴含了对美好生活的向往和对国家昌盛的祈愿 综上所述,战汉24条螭龙缠太阳神璧不仅是一件具有深厚文化象征意义的艺术品,也是中国古代工匠精湛技艺的体现,其丰富的纹饰和精致的工艺展现了古代中国人民对美好生活的追求和对国家昌盛的祈愿。The significance of the 24 Chi dragons entwined with the Sun God Bi during the Warring Han period is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Cultural symbol: Hotan Jade in Xinjiang has unique charm and value in Chinese culture and is regarded as the cornerstone of Chinese civilization. The dragon on this jade wall not only reflects the will of the monarch and emperor, but also embodies the hope for national prosperity. Artistic value The shape of the whole instrument is regular, the lines are smooth, the workmanship is exquisite, and the implication is beautiful. This jade piece is not only an exquisite artwork, but also contains a longing for a better life and a prayer for the prosperity of the country In summary, the 24 Chi dragons intertwined with the Sun God Bi during the Warring Han period are not only a work of art with profound cultural symbolic significance, but also a reflection of the exquisite skills of ancient Chinese craftsmen. Their rich patterns and exquisite craftsmanship demonstrate the ancient Chinese people's pursuit of a better life and their prayer for national prosperity.