


藏 品:四川省造光绪元宝七钱二分四角龙点边须混云无刺版

編 號:4027


成交價:GBP: 300,000.00

規 格:D:3.9cm WT:26.6g




1901年四川省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币一枚,Y-238/LM-345,四角龙点边须混云无刺版;四川龙银因钢模制作工艺欠精,且压印数量巨大,模具旋修旋坏,故后世所见版式众多,大部分有先天弱打,加之后天磨损,普遍状态不佳;拍品系钢模初打,版底细腻,字口峭立,蟠龙头角饱满,鳞甲锋刃,不仅先天铸打拔萃超群,自然包浆至美,银光绚烂,具有强烈的视觉美感,精美模样当为川龙爱好者梦寐以求。In 1901, Sichuan Province produced one Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping seven coins and two fen silver coin, Y-238/LM-345, with a four cornered dragon point edge beard mixed with clouds and no thorns; Sichuan Longyin's steel mold production process is not precise enough, and the number of impressions is huge. The molds are repaired and damaged by rotation, resulting in numerous layouts seen in later generations. Most of them have congenital weak strikes, coupled with wear and tear, resulting in generally poor condition; The steel mold of the Paipin series is first made, with a delicate bottom and steep lettering. The dragon head and horns are full, and the scales and armor are sharp and sharp. It is not only naturally cast and outstanding, but also naturally coated to the beauty. The silver light is brilliant and has a strong visual beauty. The exquisite appearance is a dream for Sichuan dragon enthusiasts.