


藏 品:广东省造光绪元宝七二反版银币样币全套(五枚)

編 號:4025


成交價:GBP: 520,000.00

規 格:Different sizes




1890年广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分、三钱六分、一钱四分四厘、七分二厘、三分六厘银币样币全套五枚,Y-198.1/LM-128、Y-197.1/LM-129、Y-196.1/LH-130Y-195.1/LM-131、Y-194.1/LM-132,俗称“广东七二反版”是第一套在中国制模铸造的机制银币,但仅压印少量样币并未发行,每种面值均存世极罕,全套五枚同时震撼亮相,于内地公开拍卖绝无仅有,堪称中国近代机制银币殿堂级珍品。拍品均呈类镜面,雕刻精美,铸工精湛,来源清晰,是目前已知私人藏家秘藏的二个全套之一,其珍罕性,无疑将使此套样币成为莫定藏家收藏地位之WT器,品相分别为PCGSSP62、SP62、SP62、SP62+、SP55,其中三钱六分、三分六厘为该公司评级纪录第二名,其余三枚均冠居该公司评级榜单之魁首光绪十五年(1889年》,两广总督张之洞采纳英国汇丰银行建议,停铸面值七钱三分的银币,改铸七钱二分。广东钱局在英国伯明翰造币厂提供的模具基础之上加以修改,银币正面点圈内仍为汉文和满文,“光绪元宝”四字以英文环绕。背面蟠龙居中,上下镌“广东省造库平七钱二分”。由于洋文与汉字同列一面的设计与其他省份银币相反,当局亦认为不合体例,而未量产。广东钱局遂将“广东省造库平七钱二分”改列正面,英文镌其背后,于1890年5月大量铸造流通。因此,“七二反版”系列是真正在中国制作原模的银币,压印的少数样币,留存至今极为罕见,在中国近代铸币史上具有划时代的里程碑意义,价值非凡。In 1890, Guangdong Province produced a complete set of five silver coin samples, including Y-198.1/LM-128, Y-197.1/LM-129, Y-196.1/LH-130Y-195.1/LM-131, Y-194.1/LM-132, commonly known as the "Guangdong 72 Reverse Edition", which was the first set of machine-made silver coins to be molded and cast in China. However, only a small number of samples were printed and not issued, and each denomination is extremely rare. The entire set of five coins made a stunning appearance at the same time, making it the only one to be publicly auctioned in mainland China. It can be called the "Guangdong 72 Reverse Edition" in modern China. Silver coin palace level treasures. The samples are all mirror like, exquisitely carved, and crafted with exquisite craftsmanship, with clear sources. They are currently one of the two complete sets known to be kept by private collectors. Their rarity undoubtedly makes this set of sample coins a WT tool in the collection status of Mo Ding collectors. The samples are PCGSSP62, SP62, SP62, SP62+, and SP55, respectively. Among them, the three coins with a face value of seven coins and three cents and six centimeters are the second highest in the company's rating record. The other three coins all ranked first on the company's rating list. In the fifteenth year of the Guangxu reign (1889), the Governor General of Guangdong and Guangxi, Zhang Zhidong, adopted the suggestion of the HSBC Bank of England to stop minting silver coins with a face value of seven coins and three cents. Remastered Seven Coins and Two Fens. The Guangdong Coin Bureau made modifications based on the molds provided by the Birmingham Mint in the UK, and the dots on the obverse of the silver coins were still in Chinese and Manchu. The four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" were surrounded in English. The reverse side was centered with a coiled dragon, and the top and bottom were engraved with "Guangdong Province Zao Ku Ping Seven Coins and Two Fens". Due to the design of the same side with foreign and Chinese characters being opposite to other provinces' silver coins, the authorities also considered it unconventional and did not mass produce them. The Guangdong Coin Bureau then changed the "Guangdong Province Zao Ku Ping Seven Coins and Two Fens" to the obverse, engraved in English on the back, and it was widely minted and circulated in May 1890. Therefore, the "72 Reverse Edition" series is a truly original silver coin made in China, with a few stamped sample coins remaining extremely rare to this day. It has a groundbreaking milestone in the history of modern Chinese coinage and is of extraordinary value.