宋代 汝窑莲花撇口赏瓶

宋代 汝窑莲花撇口赏瓶


藏 品:宋代 汝窑莲花撇口赏瓶

編 號:1155



規 格:H:28.2cm B:7.8cm




此件为汝窑莲花口赏瓶,唯一存世作品,花口,细长颈,垂腹,圈足,器身施釉部位,呈现莹光般的,优雅淡蓝天青色,如玛瑙般温润,口部施釉较薄处,显现莲花在湖面漂浮,肩腹部非常流畅自然,器形整体其简洁端庄,给人盈盈在握的感觉,形象地道出了,汝窑工艺特点和稀缺性,制作细腻规整,釉层莹润浑厚,溢散赵宋文士雅调的艺术品位.This is the Lotus Mouth Appreciation Bottle from Ru Kiln, the only surviving work. The flower mouth, slender neck, hanging belly, circled feet, and the glazed part of the body present a sparkling and elegant light blue sky blue color, as warm as agate. The thinner part of the glazed part at the mouth shows the lotus floating on the lake surface, and the shoulders and abdomen are very smooth and natural. The overall shape of the vessel is simple and dignified, giving people a feeling of being in control. It vividly expresses the characteristics and scarcity of Ru Kiln craftsmanship. The production is delicate and orderly, and the glaze layer is smooth and thick, overflowing with the artistic taste of Zhao and Song literati's elegant style