康熙御制 黄地釉牡丹纹碗(一对)

康熙御制 黄地釉牡丹纹碗(一对)


藏 品:康熙御制 黄地釉牡丹纹碗(一对)

編 號:1140



規 格:H:7.2cm C:12.9cm B:6.1cm




康熙御制黄地釉牡丹纹碗一对是中国古代瓷器中的杰作,代表了清朝康熙年间瓷器制作的卓越成就。这一对碗在造型、釉色、纹饰和工艺等方面都展现了极高的艺术水平和制瓷技术。此碗造型上看,这对碗的设计简洁大方,碗壁薄而均匀,线条流畅,体现了康熙时期瓷器对于器型精益求精的追求。碗的口沿和圈足处理得十分精致,显示出工匠们高超的制瓷技艺。其次,釉色方面,这对碗采用黄地釉,釉色鲜艳明亮,地釉均匀光润,反映出当时釉料配方的成熟和烧制技术的精湛。黄地釉作为一种装饰手段,既突出了碗身的富丽堂皇,又与纹饰形成了鲜明的对比,增强了整体的视觉冲击力。再从纹饰上看,这对碗的主题纹饰是牡丹纹,牡丹作为中国的国花,象征着富贵和繁荣。碗内外的牡丹图案绘制细腻,花瓣层次分明,色彩艳丽,充满了生动的气息。牡丹花周围往往还伴有其他辅助纹饰,如飞蝶、蜜蜂等,它们增添了画面的动感,同时也寓意着生活的丰富多彩和甜蜜美好。从工艺上这对碗的制作工艺非常讲究,从胚胎成型、釉料涂抹到高温烧制,每一个环节都要求极为精细。康熙时期的御制瓷器通常会在底部有明确的款识,这对碗也不例外,碗底往往有清晰的“大清康熙年制”或“康熙御制”等款识,证明了它们的皇家血统和珍贵价值。综上所述,康熙御制黄地釉牡丹纹碗一对不仅是康熙时期瓷器艺术的代表,也是中国陶瓷史上的重要作品。The pair of Huangdi glazed peony patterned bowls made by Emperor Kangxi is a masterpiece in ancient Chinese porcelain, representing the outstanding achievements of porcelain production during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. This pair of bowls demonstrates a high level of artistic proficiency and porcelain making techniques in terms of shape, glaze color, decoration, and craftsmanship. From the perspective of the shape of this bowl, the design of this pair of bowls is simple and generous, with thin and even bowl walls and smooth lines, reflecting the pursuit of excellence in the shape of porcelain during the Kangxi period. The rim and legs of the bowl are exquisitely crafted, demonstrating the superb porcelain making skills of the craftsmen. Secondly, in terms of glaze color, this pair of bowls adopts yellow ground glaze, which is bright and even, reflecting the maturity of the glaze formula and the exquisite firing technology at that time. As a decorative technique, yellow glaze not only highlights the grandeur of the bowl, but also forms a sharp contrast with the patterns, enhancing the overall visual impact. From the perspective of decoration, the theme decoration of this pair of bowls is peony. As the national flower of China, peonies symbolize wealth and prosperity. The peony patterns inside and outside the bowl are delicately drawn, with distinct levels of petals and bright colors, full of vivid atmosphere. Peony flowers are often accompanied by other auxiliary decorations, such as flying butterflies, bees, etc., which add a sense of dynamism to the picture and also symbolize the richness and sweetness of life. The production process of this pair of bowls is very particular in terms of craftsmanship, from embryo forming, glaze application to high-temperature firing, every step requires extremely fine craftsmanship. During the Kangxi period, imperial porcelain usually had clear inscriptions on the bottom, and this was no exception for bowls. The bottom of the bowl often had clear inscriptions such as "Kangxi year made" or "Kangxi imperial made", proving their royal bloodline and precious value. In summary, the pair of Huangdi glazed peony patterned bowls made by Emperor Kangxi is not only a representative of porcelain art during the Kangxi period, but also an important work in the history of Chinese ceramics.