清道光 粉彩百鹿图鹿头尊

清道光 粉彩百鹿图鹿头尊


藏 品:清道光 粉彩百鹿图鹿头尊

編 號:1128


成交價:GBP: 380,000.00

規 格:H:47.5cm




本品延续乾隆御器名品百鹿尊之风格,器身以粉彩绘山水园苑百鹿图,但见隔岸地势起伏,植被繁茂,梅花鹿三五成群,或奔跑,或憩息,或相偎,姿态各异,但描绘简略,突出远景之比对。近景处则描绘详实,寿石相迭,有嶙峋峥嵘之貌,其侧两株苍松相依傍,枝干遒劲,松盖如伞,松荫之下几只梅花鹿徜徉其间,本品之鹿纹颇具西洋画法,鹿毛的质感通过明暗之对比,色彩的交错得以精细的表现,百态悉备,生动而传神,而山石苍松之画法则更多的遵循中国传统山水画之笔意,二者交融于此方天地,可谓中西合璧之佳器。鹿与“禄”谐音,百鹿即“百禄”,取高官厚禄意。故此器又名“百禄”尊。鹿为仙禽,与瑞草灵芝、桃、松桐象征长生不老、松鹤延年之意愿。此尊画面表现了清皇朝重要的狩猎活动木兰秋狝。木兰为满语,意为“哨鹿”,秋狝指秋天打猎。这是自康熙二十二年起几乎每年秋天都举办的大典,这并非为了狩猎娱乐,而是具有重大的政治、军事意义。康熙皇帝为锻炼军队,在承德以北开辟狩猎场,每年秋季狩猎时用八旗兵头戴鹿头,在树林里口学鹿啼叫,引诱异性,鹿出之则合围猎杀。乾隆皇帝对此祖制甚为重视,还命宫廷画师把实况记录下来,景德镇工匠就照着这些画卷,把此重要的活动重现于百鹿尊,乾隆之百鹿尊已成陶瓷之名品,本品虽为道光朝所制,然绘制技艺、彩料均不输乾隆。This product continues the style of the famous Qianlong imperial artifact, Bai Lu Zun. The body of the artifact is painted with a powder painting of a hundred deer in a landscape garden. However, the terrain across the shore is undulating, with lush vegetation, and groups of three or five spotted deer, running, resting, or cuddling, with different postures, but the depiction is brief, highlighting the contrast between distant views. In the close-up view, the depiction is detailed, with longevity stones overlapping and a rugged and rugged appearance. Two tall pine trees on their sides are leaning against each other, with strong branches and a pine canopy like an umbrella. Under the shade of the pine trees, several sika deer stroll among them. The deer pattern in this painting is quite Western, and the texture of the deer fur is finely expressed through the contrast of light and dark, with vivid and vivid colors. The painting rules of the mountain, stone, and pine trees more closely follow the brushwork of traditional Chinese landscape painting, and the two blend in this world, making it an excellent tool for combining Chinese and Western painting. Deer sounds homophonic with "Lu", and "Bai Lu" means "Bai Lu", meaning high official and generous salary. Therefore, this vessel is also known as the "Bailu" Zun. Deer is an immortal bird, symbolizing the will of immortality and longevity, along with auspicious grass, Ganoderma lucidum, peach, and pine trees. This painting depicts the important hunting activity of the Qing Dynasty, the Mulan Autumn Robe. Mulan is in Manchu, meaning "sentinel deer", while Qiusheng refers to hunting in autumn. This is a grand ceremony held almost every autumn since the 22nd year of the Kangxi reign, not for hunting and entertainment, but with significant political and military significance. Emperor Kangxi opened up a hunting ground north of Chengde to train his army. Every autumn, during hunting, he used Eight Banner soldiers to wear deer heads and learn how to sing deer in the forest to lure the opposite sex. When the deer came out, they would gather and hunt. Emperor Qianlong attached great importance to this ancestral tradition and even ordered court painters to record the actual situation. Craftsmen in Jingdezhen followed these scrolls and reproduced this important activity on the Hundred Deer Statue. The Hundred Deer Statue of Qianlong has become a famous ceramic product. Although this product was made during the Daoguang Dynasty, its painting skills and color materials are not inferior to those of Qianlong.