清雍正 青花缠枝莲釉里红灵芝石榴花纹观音尊

清雍正 青花缠枝莲釉里红灵芝石榴花纹观音尊


藏 品:清雍正 青花缠枝莲釉里红灵芝石榴花纹观音尊

編 號:1125


成交價:GBP: 3,200,000.00

規 格:H:39cm




此瓶撇口,长颈,溜肩,圆腹渐收成圈足,器形高大挺拔,窈窕俊美,表现出雍正朝风韵。外壁自颈部向下饰蕉叶纹、缠枝青花卷草釉里红灵芝纹、青花如意云肩。腹部则绘缠枝番莲纹,以青花勾勒枝叶,釉里红绘制花朵,莲花硕大饱满,莲瓣层层打开,露出花心,柔美娇嫩,莲叶舒展,缠绕于花间,花与枝叶二色并用,相当益彰,底端为青花绘仰莲瓣纹一周,是为雍正官窑青花釉里红之佳作。This bottle has a curled mouth, a long neck, sloping shoulders, and a round belly gradually converging into a circular foot. The vessel is tall and straight, graceful and handsome, showcasing the charm of the Yongzheng Dynasty. The outer wall is decorated with banana leaf patterns from the neck down, red ganoderma lucidum patterns in the tangled blue and white curly grass glaze, and blue and white Ruyi cloud shoulder. The abdomen is painted with tangled branches and lotus patterns, with blue and white outlining the branches and leaves, and underglaze red depicting the flowers. The lotus flowers are large and full, with the petals opening layer by layer, revealing the flower center, soft and delicate. The lotus leaves stretch and wrap around the flowers, and the flowers and branches are mixed in two colors, which is quite complementary. The bottom end is decorated with a blue and white lotus petal pattern, with a circle of upward lotus petal patterns. It is a masterpiece of underglaze red in the blue and white porcelain of the Yongzheng official kiln.