大明宣德年制 青花花卉纹玉壶春瓶(海捞 瓷)

大明宣德年制 青花花卉纹玉壶春瓶(海捞 瓷)


藏 品:大明宣德年制 青花花卉纹玉壶春瓶(海捞 瓷)

編 號:1123



規 格:H:32cm C:8.4cm B:10.8cm




大明宣德年制青花花卉纹玉壶春瓶是一款明代宣德年间制作的精美瓷器,属于海捞瓷的一种。这款瓷器以其优美的造型、精致的图案和深厚的文化内涵而著称。玉壶春瓶的形状为撇口、细长颈、圆腹,底部渐收敛,形状饱满而优雅。瓶身装饰有青花花卉纹图案,这些图案色彩浓郁,绘制精细,形象生动。花卉图案种类繁多,包括菊花、牡丹、梅花等,它们在瓶身上相互映衬,展现出丰富的视觉层次。瓶腰身的款识为“大明宣德年制”,字体清晰有力,证明了这件瓷器的年代和制作工艺。这款青花花卉纹玉壶春瓶不仅是一件精美的艺术品,也是研究明代瓷器工艺的重要资料。海捞瓷是指在海底打捞出的古代瓷器,由于长期埋藏在海底,其釉面光亮如新,保存状况良好。大明宣德年制青花花卉纹玉壶春瓶作为一件海捞瓷,更显珍贵和神秘。展现了明代瓷器制作的卓越成就和中华传统文化的独特魅力。The blue and white flower patterned jade pot spring vase made during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty is a type of exquisite porcelain, belonging to the category of Hai Lao porcelain. This porcelain is known for its beautiful shape, exquisite patterns, and profound cultural connotations. The shape of the jade pot spring bottle is a curled mouth, slender neck, and round belly, with a gradually converging bottom, and a full and elegant shape. The bottle is decorated with blue and white floral patterns, which are rich in color, finely drawn, and vivid in image. There are various types of floral patterns, including chrysanthemums, peonies, plum blossoms, etc., which complement each other on the bottle body, displaying rich visual layers. The design on the waist of the vase is made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty, and the clear and powerful font proves the age and production process of this porcelain. This blue and white flower patterned jade pot spring vase is not only a beautiful artwork, but also an important material for studying Ming Dynasty porcelain craftsmanship. Hai Lao porcelain refers to ancient porcelain that was salvaged from the seabed. Due to being buried in the seabed for a long time, its glaze is as shiny as new and well preserved. The spring vase with blue and white floral patterns, made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty, is a precious and mysterious piece of Hai Lao porcelain. It showcases the outstanding achievements of Ming Dynasty porcelain production and the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture.