


藏 品:明早期釉里红花卉纹梅瓶·带盖(海捞瓷)

編 號:1111



規 格:H:40cm C:5cm B:12.2cm




明早期釉里红花卉梅瓶·带盖(海捞瓷)是我国明代早期的一种瓷器,以其独特的制作工艺和精美的花卉图案而闻名于世。这件瓷器是经过海洋的浸泡以及洗礼,数百年后海捞出水后发现的,因此被称为“海捞瓷”。该梅瓶采用了传统的釉里红彩绘工艺,整体造型庄重大方,线条流畅优美。瓶身呈梅瓶状,颈部较为细长,腹部较为丰满,底足略微外撇。瓶盖为覆杯式,与瓶身紧密贴合。这件梅瓶的主题纹饰为花卉图案,分布在瓶身两侧。花卉枝繁叶茂,形态各异,有的盛开,有的含苞待放,充满生机。花卉之间穿插着简洁的线条,使得整体图案层次分明,富有立体感。瓶盖上也绘有相同的花卉图案,与瓶身相呼应。釉里红是一种高温彩绘工艺,需要在陶瓷坯体上绘制红色图案,然后入窑高温烧制。烧制过程中,红色彩料中的铜元素会与窑内的气氛发生反应,形成美丽的红色釉彩。由于釉里红彩绘工艺复杂,对烧制技术要求较高,因此明代早期的釉里红瓷器存世数量较少,极具收藏价值。The early Ming Dynasty glazed red flower plum vase with a lid (Hai Lao porcelain) was a type of porcelain from the early Ming Dynasty in China, famous for its unique production process and exquisite floral patterns. This porcelain was soaked and baptized in the ocean, and was discovered hundreds of years later when it was released from the sea, hence it is called "Hai Lao Porcelain". The plum vase adopts the traditional underglaze red painting technique, with a solemn and elegant overall shape and smooth and beautiful lines. The bottle body is in the shape of a plum blossom bottle, with a slender neck, a fuller abdomen, and slightly outward sloping feet. The bottle cap is a cup cover style, tightly fitting with the bottle body. The theme decoration of this plum vase is a floral pattern, distributed on both sides of the bottle body. Flowers have lush branches and leaves, with various forms. Some are in full bloom, while others are in bud, full of vitality. The flowers are interspersed with simple lines, making the overall pattern clear and three-dimensional. The bottle cap is also painted with the same floral pattern, which echoes the bottle body. Underglaze red is a high-temperature painting process that requires drawing red patterns on ceramic bodies and then firing them at high temperatures in a kiln. During the firing process, the copper element in the red pigment will react with the atmosphere inside the kiln, forming a beautiful red glaze color. Due to the complexity of the underglaze red painting process and the high requirements for firing technology, the number of underglaze red porcelain from the early Ming Dynasty is relatively small and highly valuable for collection.