宋 汝窑双铺耳尊

宋 汝窑双铺耳尊


藏 品:宋 汝窑双铺耳尊

編 號:1107



規 格:H:15cm C:7.3cm B:8.4cm




宋汝窑双铺耳尊是一款出自宋代汝窑的瓷器杰作,以其优雅的造型、高级的釉色和典型的宋代瓷器装饰风格而著称。汝窑是宋代五大名窑之一,以其生产的青瓷而闻名于世,而这款双铺耳尊正是汝窑瓷器的典型代表。尊,是古代的一种大型容器,通常用于盛放酒水或其他液体。宋汝窑双铺耳尊的设计体现了宋代对器物功能性和美观性的完美结合。它的形状通常为撇口、颈部细长,腹部饱满,底部渐收敛。两侧装饰有对称的铺耳,这些铺耳通常呈如意云头形,增添了整器的装饰性同时也便于搬运。汝窑的釉色以天青色最为著名,这种釉色在青瓷中独树一帜,因其釉料中含有一定比例的铁质,经高温烧制后在还原气氛中呈现出独特的青灰色。宋汝窑双铺耳尊的釉面光洁如玉,温润细腻,给人一种宁静致远的美的享受。宋汝窑双铺耳尊可能也不例外,其装饰手法注重釉色和胎质的结合,以及对器形线条的把握,整体上显得典雅而不失大气。汝窑的生产时间较短,存世的汝窑瓷器极为稀少,因此每一件汝窑瓷器都是极为珍贵的艺术品。The Song Ru Kiln Shuangpu Ear Zun is a masterpiece of porcelain from the Song Dynasty Ru Kiln, known for its elegant shape, advanced glaze color, and typical Song Dynasty porcelain decoration style. Ru Kiln is one of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty, famous for its production of celadon, and this double layered ear shaped porcelain is a typical representative of Ru Kiln porcelain. Zun is a large container used in ancient times to hold alcohol or other liquids. The design of the Song Ruyao Double Paved Ear Zun reflects the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics of the objects in the Song Dynasty. Its shape is usually pursed, with a slender neck, a full abdomen, and a gradually converging bottom. There are symmetrical ears on both sides, which are usually in the shape of auspicious clouds, adding decoration to the entire piece and making it easy to transport. The glaze color of Ru kiln is most famous for its sky blue color, which stands out among celadon ceramics because its glaze contains a certain proportion of iron. After high-temperature firing, it presents a unique blue gray color in the reducing atmosphere. The glaze of the Song Ruyao Shuangpu Ear Zun is as smooth as jade, warm and delicate, giving people a peaceful and far-reaching enjoyment of beauty. The Song Ruyao Shuangpu Ear Zun may also be no exception. Its decorative techniques focus on the combination of glaze color and substrate, as well as the grasp of the shape and lines of the vessel, making it appear elegant and not lacking in grandeur overall. The production time of Ru kiln is relatively short, and the surviving Ru kiln porcelain is extremely rare, so each Ru kiln porcelain is an extremely precious art piece.