清乾隆 珐琅彩兽双耳龙纹樽

清乾隆 珐琅彩兽双耳龙纹樽


藏 品:清乾隆 珐琅彩兽双耳龙纹樽

編 號:1089



規 格:H:58cm C:16.5cm B:17.8cm




清乾隆珐琅彩兽耳龙纹樽是一款清代乾隆年间制作的精美瓷器。这件瓷器采用了珐琅彩的装饰工艺,这种工艺以其丰富的色彩和精美的图案而著称。樽的形状为圆形,带有高耸的盖子,盖子上装饰有两个兽耳,增添了一种古朴而庄重的氛围。樽的腹部装饰有龙纹图案,龙在中国传统文化中象征着力量和尊贵。这些龙纹图案生动有力,线条流畅,展现出精湛的绘画技巧。整个樽身覆盖着丰富的花卉和云纹图案,增添了了一种华丽的气息。樽的底部有乾隆年制的款识,证明了它的年代和制作工艺。这款珐琅彩兽耳龙纹樽不仅是一件精美的艺术品,也是研究清代瓷器工艺的重要资料。整体来说,清乾隆珐琅彩兽耳龙纹樽是一款具有高艺术价值和历史价值的瓷器,展现了清代瓷器制作的卓越成就和中华传统文化的独特魅力。The Qing Qianlong Enamel Beast Ear Dragon Pattern Bottle is an exquisite porcelain made during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. This porcelain is decorated with enamel color, which is known for its rich colors and exquisite patterns. The shape of the bottle is circular, with a tall lid decorated with two animal ears, adding a simple and solemn atmosphere. The belly of the bottle is decorated with a dragon pattern, which symbolizes strength and nobility in traditional Chinese culture. These dragon patterns are vivid and powerful, with smooth lines, showcasing exquisite painting techniques. The entire bottle is covered with rich flowers and cloud patterns, adding a magnificent atmosphere. The bottom of the bottle bears the style of the Qianlong era, which proves its age and craftsmanship. This enamel colored beast ear dragon patterned bottle is not only a beautiful artwork, but also an important material for studying Qing Dynasty porcelain craftsmanship. Overall, the Qing Qianlong enamel beast ear dragon patterned jar is a porcelain with high artistic and historical value, showcasing the outstanding achievements of Qing Dynasty porcelain production and the unique charm of Chinese traditional culture.