清乾隆 青花加彩「梅雀报喜」图扁瓶

清乾隆 青花加彩「梅雀报喜」图扁瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 青花加彩「梅雀报喜」图扁瓶

編 號:1039


成交價:GBP: 2,500,000.00

規 格:H:28.7cm




此瓶造型别致,较一般扁瓶更扁,极难成型,遂如本品一般周正对称者,实属难得。本品计由多重图案搭配而成,手柄、瓶足上以没骨法描绘朵菊及如意纹,同様不可多得。瓷匠须先于素瓷胎上勾画间断之釉下青花图案,再经上釉、窑烧,最后施釉上彩以完成整个构图。如此繁复制作,除明代五彩瓷器外近乎未见。清代瓷匠为简化工序及降低失败率,几乎完全不用釉下青花,只以釉上彩着色。This bottle has a unique shape and is even flatter than ordinary flat bottles, making it extremely difficult to shape. Therefore, it is rare to have a symmetrical shape like this product. This product is made up of multiple patterns, with boneless depictions of chrysanthemums and auspicious patterns on the handle and bottle feet, making it rare. The porcelain maker must first sketch intermittent underglaze blue and white patterns on the plain porcelain body, then apply glaze and kiln firing, and finally apply glaze color to complete the entire composition. Such complex production is almost unheard of except for Ming Dynasty colorful porcelain. In order to simplify the process and reduce the failure rate, Qing dynasty porcelain craftsmen almost completely did not use underglaze blue and white, only used overglaze color for coloring.