清 乾隆黄地珐琅彩福寿万年云口瓶

清 乾隆黄地珐琅彩福寿万年云口瓶


藏 品:清 乾隆黄地珐琅彩福寿万年云口瓶

編 號:1029



規 格:H:33cm C:10.5cm B:12cm




本品为乾隆官窑之中堪称别致的彩绘佳器,其形尊贵典雅,瓶唇口外翻施松石绿釉,饰胭脂红如意云纹,极其精致。器物双如意耳精巧工致,如意首系有一装饰金彩“万”字的红色绶带,为乾隆朝高端精细御瓷琢器。瓶器面以珐琅彩黄地,绘满洋莲、银莲花、洋菊花卉,其中亦加入矾红彩蝙蝠口衔如意中国传统装饰,描绘精妙细致,此类洋彩器为宫廷的艺术收藏重器。足圈饰胭脂蓝莲瓣纹和描金回纹一周,底施松石绿釉以红料书 【大清乾隆年制】 六字篆书款。This product is a unique and elegant colored painting masterpiece among the Qianlong official kilns. Its shape is noble and elegant, with turquoise green glaze applied on the outside of the bottle lips and rouge red cloud patterns, extremely exquisite. The objects are exquisitely crafted with double Ruyi ears, and the Ruyi head is adorned with a red ribbon decorated with the golden character "Wan". It was a high-end exquisite imperial porcelain carving tool of the Qianlong Dynasty. The surface of the vase is painted with enamel colored yellow ground, filled with lotus, silver lotus, and chrysanthemum flowers. It also includes alum red bat mouth and Ruyi traditional Chinese decoration, delicately and meticulously depicted. This type of foreign colored vessel is an important art collection item of the court. The foot circle is decorated with a rouge blue lotus petal pattern and a golden backflow pattern, with a base of turquoise green glaze and a six character seal script style in red material.