


藏 品:明永乐青花轮花绶带葫芦扁瓶

編 號:1020



規 格:H:26cm C:3.8cm B:6.3cm




明永乐青花轮花绶带葫芦扁瓶,又称“抱月瓶”“宝月瓶”,是永乐年间景德镇御窑厂的创新器型,也是明早期御窑瓷的代表性器物。它的造型呈葫芦状,上部为圆形,下部为扁圆形,器两侧置对称绶带耳,长方形圈足。通体青花为饰,上部饰缠枝花卉纹,腹部绘宝相花,外环以卷草纹。在永乐时期,青花瓷器的产量和质量都达到了新水平,被称为青花瓷器的“黄金时期”。此时的青花瓷器,既不同于元青花的热烈奔放,又有别于明代中晚期青花瓷的典雅稚拙,更异于清代前期青花的华美明艳,体现出一种异域风格与中国传统文化艺术相融合的隽永雅丽。The Ming Yongle Blue and White Wheel Flower Ribbon Gourd Flat Bottle, also known as the "Embracing Moon Bottle" or "Treasure Moon Bottle", was an innovative type of porcelain produced by the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory during the Yongle period, and is also a representative artifact of early Ming imperial kiln porcelain. Its shape is in the shape of a gourd, with a circular upper part and a flat circular lower part. Symmetrical ribbon ears are placed on both sides of the vessel, and rectangular circular legs. Decorated with blue and white flowers throughout the body, the upper part is adorned with floral patterns of tangled branches, the abdomen is painted with precious flowers, and the outer ring is decorated with rolled grass patterns. During the Yongle period, the production and quality of blue and white porcelain reached new levels, known as the "golden age" of blue and white porcelain. At this time, blue and white porcelain was not only different from the passionate and unrestrained blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, but also from the elegant and immature blue and white porcelain of the mid to late Ming Dynasty. It was also different from the magnificent and bright blue and white porcelain of the early Qing Dynasty, reflecting a timeless and elegant fusion of exotic style and traditional Chinese culture and art.