清乾隆 洋彩御题诗花卉纹花口瓶

清乾隆 洋彩御题诗花卉纹花口瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 洋彩御题诗花卉纹花口瓶

編 號:1002


成交價:GBP: 3,200,000.00

規 格:H:17cm




洋彩御题诗花卉纹花口瓶,瓶十面瓜棱口,口沿微撇,中长颈,溜肩,圆腹,胫部下敛,足十面瓜棱状,略高,微外撇。颈部与胫部为藕粉色釉地,以洋彩绘各式花卉纹样,腹部施白釉,绘洞石芍药花纹,另一面以楷体书乾隆御题诗一首。内壁及器底施松石绿釉,底以矾红书「大清乾隆年制」六字篆书款。A vase with floral patterns inscribed in a poem by the Western style imperial court. The bottle has ten sides with melon edges and a slightly slanted mouth. It has a medium to long neck, a sloping shoulder, a round belly, and a converging shin. The feet are in the shape of melon edges on ten sides, slightly high, and slightly outward slanted. The neck and tibia are glazed with lotus root powder, and various floral patterns are painted in Western colors. The abdomen is coated with white glaze and painted with cave stone and peony patterns. On the other side, a poem inscribed by Emperor Qianlong in regular script is used. The inner wall and bottom of the vessel are coated with turquoise green glaze, and the bottom is inscribed with a six character seal script style in alum red script "Made in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty".