The Art of Isolation "World Famous Painting Series Epidemic Prevention Poster

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In Da Vinci's The Last Supper, only Jesus wearing a mask is left. In Michelangelo's The Creation of The Creation of Adam, God is handing Adam hand sanitizer, and the silver mink in Da Vinci's The Woman Holding the Silver Mink has become a necessary food for life... This is the world famous painting series anti epidemic poster entitled "Art of Quarantine" launched by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine in response to the epidemic.
In magazines such as The New Yorker, we collaborated with artists and designers during this special period, using the magazine cover as a carrier to showcase the epidemic from different perspectives through unique designs, responding to the global epidemic and providing readers with spiritual inspiration.
The Art of Isolation, adapted from a famous painting

SOCIAL DISTANCE (Staying home and keeping social distance is the most effective way to stop the spread of the virus.)
In the world famous painting series of epidemic prevention posters titled "Art of Quarantine" launched by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine in response to the epidemic, "Social Distance" is adapted from the famous painting "The Last Supper". The Last Supper was created by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, with the theme of the last dinner of Jesus with the twelve disciples in the Bible. The characters' expressions of fear, anger, doubt, and confession, as well as their gestures, eyes, and actions, are depicted in a delicate and lifelike manner, making them the most famous of all works created on this theme. Collected at the Santa Maria Grateful Church in Milan, Italy.

MAKE SUPPLIES   (Making supplies lets you remain home for a longer timeandminimize the potentialrisks of infection。

'Making Supplies' is adapted from another painting by Leonardo da Vinci,' The Woman Holding a Silver Sable '. The girl in the picture is Cecilia Gallerani, the mistress of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. She has a noble and quiet temperament and is loved by the Duke. In the original painting, the silver sable held by Cecilia Gallerani in her arms is the image on the duke's family emblem. Now, the silver mink in the arms of the noblewoman has become a necessary ingredient in daily life, relying on oneself and hoarding goods properly is the king's way under the epidemic.

(Use sanitizers to keep your handsandpersonal accessories clean。)

"Using hand sanitizer" is adapted from the famous painting "The Creation of Adam". The Creation of Adam is a ceiling painting of the Sistine Chapel created by Michelangelo from 1511 to 1512, which is part of Genesis. This mural depicts the creation of human ancestor Adam by God in the Bible's Genesis, and is the fourth of the Genesis zenith paintings in chronological order. In the original painting, the white bearded old man wearing a flowing robe on the right side is God, while Adam is located on the left side of the picture, completely naked. God's right arm relaxed, and the fire of life passed from his fingers to Adam, who then extended his left arm in the same way, implying that humans were created in God's likeness. The poster has been changed to a bottle of hand sanitizer. In the current epidemic, hand washing and disinfection are like the "fire of life".