2.85 billion yuan, Sotheby's Modern Art Evening sale in New York closed, led by Pablo Picasso

 Auction Information     |      Network source    |    2023-06-01 16:14
Following yesterday's impressive performance in the "McCloway Collection" special event, this morning (on the evening of May 17th New York time), the "Modern Art Evening Auction" was held in Sotheby's, New York, as scheduled, presenting the unparalleled works of art giants from the 19th to early 20th centuries. The total transaction volume of 58 lots in this event was 423.6 million US dollars (approximately 2.85 billion RMB), with a transaction rate of 83.6%; 10 lots sold for over ten million US dollars; Artists such as Milton Avery, Leonola Carrington, Maximilian Luce, and Jared French have set new personal auction records.

Throughout this evening shoot, Picasso remains the most profitable artist, with only one person accounting for 24.5% of the total transaction; Impressionism art is the most popular, attracting the attention of collectors around the world; Asian collectors have shown active performance, frequently bidding and achieving considerable success; 26% of the lots were sold at a high valuation, while 36% were sold within the valuation. The modern art market has performed steadily.


Picasso's "Lying Nude", which made his debut in filming, won the top spot for $67.541 million. This work was created in April 1932 and has a history of approximately 90 years. It is one of the most timeless and unconventional classic masterpieces in Picasso's depiction of the Muse goddess Mary Theresa Watt. The work started auctioning for $55 million and landed at the collector's location for $58.5 million, with a commission of $67.541 million, making it one of the highest priced portraits of Mary Theresa Watt in auction history.

Pablo Picasso's "Lying Naked Girl"
Oil and Ripolin Enamel Canvas, 1932, 129.9 x 161.7 cm
Valuation to be inquired
Transaction price: $67541000

Among the many portraits that Picasso painted for Mary Theresa in 1932, "Lying Nude" is the most unique work: in the work, Picasso imagined Mary Theresa as a finned limb like a marine organism. Although the practice of incorporating lovers in animal form into the painting can also be seen in Picasso's later works, the implication of the sea in this painting is clear. Although "Lying Nude" continues the creative process of reclining naked women in art history, it presents a bold and innovative demonstration in a unique way. The body form portrayed in the painting completely subverts the naturalistic techniques and the curved art of sculpture creation, which has a huge impact on future artists.

The other 6 Picasso works in this event were also sold, with 7 works earning a total transaction value of 103.8 million US dollars, accounting for 24.5% of the total transaction value, confirming Picasso's broad market appeal and stable market trend.

Pablo Picasso's "Embrace"
Oil paint canvas, 162 x 130cm, made in 1969
Valuation: $12000000- $18000000
Transaction price: $14112500

Pablo Picasso's "Musketeer smoking a pipe, bust"
Oil paint and Ripolin enamel canvas
99.7 x 80.6cm, made in 1967
Valuation: $600000- $8000000
Transaction price: $8482400

The second highest price was won by Claude Monet's Venice Grand Canal and Ankang Notre Dame Cathedral with US $56.6255 million. Monet only visited Venice once in his life and created 37 masterpieces, presenting the unparalleled scenery of this famous city. The Grand Canal of Venice and the Church of Our Lady in Ankang, which was taken in 1908, Monet took the scene from the steps outside the Babalo Palace, and depicted the dome building of the Church of Our Lady in Ankang on the opposite bank, capturing the ancient buildings in the city and the ever-changing splendor of the crisscross river channels. This work embodies the most exquisite level of Monet's artistic creation and can be considered the pinnacle of the artist's Venice series.

Claude Monet, The Venice Grand Canal and the Church of Our Lady in Ankang
Oil Painted Canvas, 1908, 73.5 x 92.5 cm
Valuation to be inquired
Transaction price: $56625500

Most of the works created during the Venice trip are currently in collections at renowned museums around the world, including the Boston Museum of Art and the San Francisco Museum of Art. This time, Grand Canal of Venice and the Church of Our Lady in Ankang attracted fierce bidding from many collectors. The work started selling for $46 million, and after seven rounds of bidding, it was hammered for $49 million, with a commission of $56.6255 million. It was won by the 81 phone collector in the hands of Brooke Lampley, Chairman and International Sales Director of Sotheby's Global Art Department.

Cezanne's large landscape painting "Open Space in the Forest" won the third highest price of the show. This work has been preserved by the Toledo Museum of Art for over half a century. In the painting, Cezanne challenges the traditional concept of perspective and allows geometric color blocks to collide to create depth of field. The work started with $24 million, ended with $36 million, and closed with $41.6885 million. It was won by the No. 27 telephone buyer in the hands of Helena Newman, the president of Sotheby's Europe, Impressionism and the global director of the Modern Art Department.

Paul Cezanne's "Open Space in the Woods"
Oil paint canvas, 100.3 x 81.2cm, circa 1895
Valuation: $30000000- $40000000
Transaction price: $41688500

In this auction, like 'The Open Space in the Woods', it is a masterpiece from the Toledo Museum of Art's collection of half a century, as well as works by Henry Matisse and Auguste Renoir. All three works changed hands, earning a total transaction value of $59.662 million, and the proceeds will be used for future museum purchases. Among them, Matisse's "Flowers in front of a Portrait" painted in Nice, France combines different color blocks to create a rich texture and soft lighting indoor scenery. The auction for the work started at $9 million, and when the bidding reached 11 million, Asian collectors joined the competition. In the tug of war between the collectors in Helena Newman's hands and Asian collectors, it was sold for $15.2615 million and won by Helena Newman's number 27 phone buyer. The Naked Woman Who Wiped Her Body "is Renoir's later work. The newly bathed nude woman exudes a jewel like radiance, exuding high spirits, and was sold for $2.712 million.

Henry Matisse's "Flowers in front of a Portrait"
Oil paint canvas, 100.3 x 81.2cm, made in 1923
Valuation: $12000000- $18000000
Transaction price: $15261500

Auguste Renoir's "The Naked Woman Who Wipes Her Body"
Oil paint canvas, 65.9 x 55.3cm, made in 1912
Valuation: $3000000- $400000
Transaction price: $2712000

Modern landscapes frequently achieve great results

One of the highlights of this event is the outstanding performance of landscape works led by Claude Monet. In addition to Grand Canal of Venice and the Church of Notre Dame in Ankang, Monet's other two works also achieved good results. The Rose Arch of Giovanni "fell to the 10th phone buyer in the hands of Huang Lin Shiyun for $20 million, and was sold with a commission of $23.3045 million; Monet's "The Winter of Agente" was sold for $6.2293 million. In the end, the total transaction of three Monet works was $86.1593 million.
Claude Monet's "Givenny's Rose Arch"
Oil paint canvas, 81.5 x 93.5cm, made in 1913
Valuation: $20000000- $30000000
Transaction price: $23304500

Claude Monet's "The Winter of Argenteuil"
Oil paint canvas, 60 x 81.3cm, made in 1875
Valuation: $5000000- $7000000
Transaction price: $6229300

Paul Gauguin's "The Scenery of Tahiti", which was created in 1891-93, is his first work during his stay in Tahiti, and is also a very important stage in his artist career. The work depicts a dreamy and intimate scene of women bathing on the riverbank, lyrically blending concrete and abstract elements, while the difference between foreground and background is masked by overlapping large colors, showcasing Gauguin's famous imagination and expressive power. The work started selling for $4 million and quickly broke through $6 million in fierce competition from multiple collectors. After 30 bids, the hammer was dropped for $7.5 million, with a commission of $8.942 million. It was won by the No. 40 phone collector in the hands of Brooke Lampley, Chairman and International Sales Director of Sotheby's Global Art.

Paul Gauguin's "Scenery of the Riverside of Tahiti"
Oil Painted Canvas, circa 1892, 27.2 x 32.8 cm
Valuation: $5000000- $7000000
Transaction price: $8942000
Paul Schneider's "The Cabin (Saint Trope)"
Oil Painted Canvas, 65.4 x 81.2cm, Spring 1904
Valuation: $2500000- $3500000
Transaction price: 3317000 USD

The debut film 'Nile' was created by Philip Gaston in 1958, coinciding with the peak period of the artist's creation of abstract works. It has been collected by Peter and Edith O'Donnie in Dallas, Texas for more than 40 years. Coincidentally, the Boston Museum of Art held a large-scale retrospective exhibition called "Philip Guston Now", which added a wave of heat to its market. At the auction site, the work started with $15 million, and after three bids, it fell to the phone collector in the hands of Bai Siqi for $16 million, with a commission of $18.7085 million. The proceeds will be donated to the O'Donnell Foundation.
Philip Gaston's "The Nile"
Oil Painted Canvas, 164.8 x 191cm, 1958
Valuation: $20000000- $30000000
Transaction price: $18708500
Artist's personal third highest price

Modern Portrait Works

Modern portrait works led by artists such as Modigliani, Mark Chagall, and Egon Schiller have achieved excellent results. Modigliani's "Madame Doshihua" started selling for $8.5 million, and after 15 rounds of intense competition from collectors, it was sold for $15 million with a commission of $17.5595 million; Mark Chagall's "The Model" fell to Phone Collector 59 in Brooke Lampley's hands for $3.4 million, with a commission of $4.164 million.


s' Madame Dohihua '
Oil paint canvas, 61.2 x 46cm, made in 1916
Valuation: $10000000- $15000000
Transaction price: $17559500

Private Family Collection
Mark Chagall's "The Model"
Oil Painted Canvas, 81 x 65cm, 1972
Valuation: $3000000- $400000
Transaction price: $4164000

Important Private Collections
Egon Schiller's "Standing Nude Girl"
Water powder, pencil, and white glossy paper notebook
55.9 x 34.3cm, made in 1910
Valuation: $2500000- $3500000
Transaction price: $2349000

Important Canadian Collections
Rene Magritte's "The Reckless Man"
Oil Painted Canvas, 99.6 x 72.4cm, 1927
Valuation: $4000000- $600000
Transaction price: $3922000

Giacometti leads modern sculpture

Modern sculpture works led by artists such as Alberto Giacometti, Pablo Picasso, and Jean Alp have also achieved excellent results. Giacometti's "Venetian Woman" started shooting for $6 million, and after fierce competition from multiple collectors, the bidding quickly broke through 10 million yuan, before embarking on a tug of war with a bidding ladder of $100000. In the end, after 59 rounds of bidding, the hammer fell for $15 million and was won by phone collector 163 held by Huang Lin Shiyun for $17.5595 million; Picasso's "The Statue of a Woman" started selling for $10000, and after 22 rounds of bidding, the hammer was dropped for $1.7 million, with a commission of $2.107 million, which is 4.2 times the low valuation.

Alberto Giacometti's "Venetian Women II"
Bronze, height: 122 cm
Conceived in 1956; This work was cast in 1976
Valuation: $8000000- $12000000
Transaction price: $17559500

The famous sculpture series "Venetian Woman", which Giacometti began to conceive in 1956, consists of nine standing nude women. This time, the second work in the series was filmed and cast in 1976. This series is one of Giacometti's most renowned masterpieces, considered by many to be the artist's most important contribution to 20th century art and one of the most acclaimed sculptures in art history.

Important European Private Collections
Pablo Picasso's "Female Statue"
Bronze, height (without base): 31.2cm
Conceived in Kangcheng in 1961; The bronze version was conceived in 1962 by Muran and later cast with one version and two pieces
Valuation: $500000- $700000
Transaction price: $2107000
Eternal Fenghua: Private Collection in the United States
Jean Alp's "Body"
Bronze, height: 76.6cm
Concepted in 1958; This work was cast by George Rudier in 1960
Valuation: $800000- $1200000
Transaction price: $1134000

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