Chicken Blood Jade Primitive Stone

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Chicken Blood Jade Primitive Stone

Auction Information

Product:Chicken Blood Jade Primitive Stone


Starting Price:100,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


鸡血石顾名思意就是和鸡有关,我们老祖先的智慧绝对高深,起名为鸡血石,就是血像鸡血,并且身上会带有像鸡肉或鸡骨鸡蛋黄或鸡蛋清一样的黄块或白斑,就是像田黄一样的东西,这也是辨别巴林鸡血石真假的重要特征!这也是造假者以科技水平不能制造的。Chicken blood stone and Tianhuangshi, Qingtian light frozen stone is known as the seal stone three treasures. Chicken blood stone has made a unique contribution to the development of Chinese seal culture, and has formed a unique school of "chicken blood" carving in jade carving technology, whose works are famous for "magnificent, exquisite, elegant and colorful".