A group of meteorites (stone iron meteorites, stone meteorites)

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A group of meteorites (stone iron meteorites, stone meteorites)

Auction Information

Product:A group of meteorites (stone iron meteorites, stone meteorites)


Starting Price:100,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此陨石为黑色,表面布满凹坑和细微裂缝,这是由于在高速通过大气层时,与空气摩擦产生的高温烧蚀所致。陨石的颜色多样,从黑色、棕色到灰色不等,质地也因陨石的成分不同而异,有的坚硬如石,有的则相对松软。陨石通常比同体积的普通石头重,这是因为它们的密度较大。这也是陨石在穿越大气层时能够克服空气阻力,最终落到地面的原因之一。部分陨石含有铁、镍等金属元素,因此具有一定的磁性。这一特征可以作为鉴别陨石的辅助手段。此陨石所有特征都具备,陨石为稀有之物,价格也较为高昂,具有非常高的收藏价值和经济价值。 The meteorite is black and has pits and tiny cracks on its surface, which are caused by high-temperature ablation caused by friction with air as it passes through the atmosphere at high speed.Meteorites come in a variety of colors, ranging from black to brown to gray, and their texture varies according to their composition. Some are as hard as stone, while others are relatively soft.Meteorites are usually heavier than ordinary stones of the same volume because of their greater density. This is one of the reasons why meteorites are able to overcome air resistance as they travel through the atmosphere and eventually fall to the ground.Some meteorites contain iron, nickel and other metallic elements, so they have certain magnetic properties. This feature can be used as an aid in identifying meteorites.This meteorite has all the characteristics, meteorites are rare things, the price is relatively high, and it has a very high collection value and economic value.