black A.crassna a string of beads

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black A.crassna a string of beads

Auction Information

Product:black A.crassna a string of beads


Starting Price:2,350,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:D:0.75cm Wt:25g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


清代黑奇楠沉香珠串:材质珍贵罕见!历朝历代皇室贵族对其喜爱备至,能够使用此奇楠香者,身份尊贵!地位显赫!此珠串为108粒,珠粒大小相若饱满,油线清晰,美如山水画状,包浆浑厚自然,品相无暇保存良好,虽久经岁月,仍然香气怡人,古代称其为琼脂极品!佩戴于身可静心清神。具有极高的收藏价值!precious and rare material! Throughout history, the royal family and nobles have loved it greatly, and those who can use this unique Nan fragrance have a noble status! Prominent status! This bead string consists of 108 beads, each of similar size and fullness, with clear oil lines and a beautiful landscape like appearance. The coating is thick and natural, and the appearance is flawless and well preserved. Although it has been aged for a long time, it still has a pleasant aroma. In ancient times, it was called the top-quality agar! Wearing it can calm and clear the mind. Has extremely high collection value!