Fossil aquatic plants

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Fossil aquatic plants

Auction Information

Product:Fossil aquatic plants


Starting Price:1,070,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:35cm Wt:14.75kg

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此化石体积硕大,多色玉化,经过亿万年沉淀演变形成,造型独特精美,局部以天然水草纹理,分布有致,古朴典雅。黄褐底色淡墨水草,形象逼真,栩栩如生,画面无杂色干扰,水草蓬勃向上,摇曳多姿,给人一种生生不息的美好愿景!是不可多得的奇石化石。This fossil has a large volume, multiple colored jadeization, and has been formed through billions of years of precipitation and evolution. It has a unique and exquisite shape, with natural water grass texture in some parts, distributed in a neat and elegant manner, and is quaint and elegant. The yellow brown background light ink grass is vivid and lifelike, with no color interference in the picture. The water grass is flourishing and swaying, giving people a beautiful vision of endless vitality! It is a rare rare rare stone fossil.

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