Black Diamond Meteorite

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Black Diamond Meteorite

Auction Information

Product:Black Diamond Meteorite


Starting Price:4,000,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


黑钻石陨石,又称为“C型碳质球粒陨石”或“II型碳质球粒陨石”,是一种非常稀有且独特的陨石类型。它们的名字来源于其深黑色的外表,这种黑色通常是由于含有大量的碳和微小的石墨晶体所造成的。黑钻石陨石的外观往往呈现出深邃的黑色,这使得它们在众多陨石中独树一帜。Black diamond meteorites, also known as "Type C carbonaceous chondrites" or "Type II carbonaceous chondrites," are a very rare and unique type of meteorite. Their name comes from their dark black appearance, which is usually caused by the presence of large amounts of carbon and tiny graphite crystals. The appearance of black diamond meteorites often presents a deep black, which makes them unique among many meteorites.

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