Hexagonal crystal meteorite diamond night pearl

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Hexagonal crystal meteorite diamond night pearl

Auction Information

Product:Hexagonal crystal meteorite diamond night pearl


Starting Price:1,210,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:WT:476g L:9cm W:6cm T:4.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


陨石钻石也称六方晶系陨石钻石,也有称之陨石金刚石,国际学名为Lonsdaleite,直译为“朗斯代尔”,是以发现人的名字命名的。所谓钻石或金刚石,是指该陨石的基本成份是含碳基的碳质。六方晶系是指碳基的晶型结构,而普通的宝石钻石的晶型结构通常是六面体、八面体和十二面体,可见金刚石陨石与宝石钻石的成份一致,是晶型结构相近的“近亲”。所谓陨石是指从星际空间穿过地球大气层烧蚀后的流星体残留体。所谓夜明珠是指在黑暗中能自行发光或受激发而发光的珠宝。目前已知的夜明珠有两类,其一为永久发光的夜明珠,是靠自身含有激活剂,即放射性同位素激发而发光的。其二是发光物质基本材料为晶态磷光体,在受日光或各类光源激发而发光,陨石钻石夜明珠属于此类。本块宝石在日光或其他光源照射下可以发出耀眼夺目的绿光,而在重力加速下又会发出梦幻迷离的蓝光,发光时间可以持续数小时,是可遇不可求的稀世之珍!Meteorite diamond, also known as hexagonal crystal meteorite diamond or meteorite diamond, is internationally known as Lonsdaleite, which literally translates to "Lonsdale" and is named after the discoverer. The so-called diamond or diamond refers to the basic component of the meteorite being carbonaceous carbon. The hexagonal crystal system refers to the carbon based crystal structure, while the crystal structure of ordinary gemstone diamonds is usually hexahedron, octahedron, and dodecahedron. It can be seen that the composition of diamond meteorites is consistent with that of gemstone diamonds, and they are "close relatives" with similar crystal structures. The so-called meteorite refers to the remnants of meteoroids that have passed through the Earth's atmosphere from interstellar space and been eroded. The so-called night pearl refers to jewelry that can emit light on its own or be excited to emit light in the dark. There are currently two types of known night pearls, one of which is a permanently glowing night pearl that emits light by being excited by its own activator, a radioactive isotope. The second is that the basic material of luminescent substances is crystalline phosphors, which emit light when stimulated by sunlight or various light sources. Meteorites, diamonds, and night pearls belong to this category. This gemstone can emit dazzling green light under sunlight or other light sources, and under the acceleration of gravity, it will emit a dreamy and hazy blue light. The light emission time can last for several hours, making it a rare treasure that is hard to come by!