Ming Xuande gilded seated statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

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Ming Xuande gilded seated statue of Shakyamuni Buddha

Auction Information

Product:Ming Xuande gilded seated statue of Shakyamuni Buddha


Starting Price:660,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此佛右手结触地印,左手结襌定印,双足结跏趺坐于莲花座上。莲座为半月状束腰形式,座上阴刻「大明宣德年制」款。宣德时期为明代宫廷造像的发展时期,其风格基本承袭永乐后期的特点,但与永乐初期颇有不同,整体来说,宣德造像的躯体较壮硕,面部更趋汉化、男性化,莲座花瓣亦更加饱满,尖端卷草纹更繁复。This Buddha's right hand holds a touching seal, his left hand holds a fixed seal, and his feet sit on a lotus throne. The lotus throne is in the form of a half moon waist, with the inscription "Made in the Year of Emperor Xuande of the Ming Dynasty" engraved on it. The Xuande period was a period of development for palace statues in the Ming Dynasty. Its style basically inherited the characteristics of the late Yongle period, but was quite different from the early Yongle period. Overall, the bodies of Xuande statues were more robust, the faces were more sinicized and masculine, the lotus petals were fuller, and the curled grass patterns at the tips were more complex.