Ming Xuande Gilded Lotus Flower Hand Buddha Statue

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Ming Xuande Gilded Lotus Flower Hand Buddha Statue

Auction Information

Product:Ming Xuande Gilded Lotus Flower Hand Buddha Statue


Starting Price:5,500,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:L:48cm W:48cm H:80cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


鎏金蓮花手佛像,款式为“大明宣德年施”,佛身通体鎏金,手持蓮花手,两肩披式、仪态端庄,上身挺拔修长,舒坐于印覆莲花上,佛像全身鎏金宝光,佛身压手厚重,本尊铜鎏金坐莲佛像器型完整,铜质精良,工艺精湛,为难得明代佛像,收藏价值极高。The gilded lotus flower hand Buddha statue, with the style of "Da Ming Xuan De Nian Shi" Buddha body fully gilded, holds lotus hands, shoulders draped, dignified posture, and a tall and slender upper body, sitting comfortably on a lotus flower. The Buddha statue is gilded with precious light all over its body, and the Buddha body presses the hands heavily. The original copper gilded lotus sitting Buddha statue has a complete shape, excellent copper quality, and exquisite craftsmanship. It is a rare Ming Dynasty Buddha statue with extremely high collection value.