Guande Xiangyi Diagram

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Guande Xiangyi Diagram

Auction Information

Product:Guande Xiangyi Diagram


Starting Price:2,760,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本画人物画风转而变得高华富丽,色彩热烈明快,造型肯定而爽健,光线又多从上方向下投射使之产生阴影,因此要用较深的墨来强调其厚度,借此呈现眼部的立体感,最后配上浓密的睫毛,使人物眼睛虚实相生且层次分明,酒酣耳热之际的脱略形骸,高妙的布局,使画面显得充实饱满,有回环不尽之妙,识者谓其气韵生动,神采飞扬,精湛娴熟,笔力遒劲,线条简括,形象生动,疏密得当,聚散有序,然而却非常切合主题立意,可见刻意经营之妙,整幅画笔墨粗简豪放,气势雄强,颇具“粗沈”风格,笔墨苍润、精粗兼具、布局井然,轻重虚实相辅相成,可谓用心之极,别有风趣,又糅合自身特有的用笔方式,行笔苍劲、古朴有致,在画坛可谓别具一格。The style of the figures in this painting has turned into high and rich, with warm and bright colors, definite and refreshing shapes, and light that is often projected from above to below to create shadows. Therefore, darker ink is used to emphasize its thickness, presenting a three-dimensional sense of the eyes. Finally, thick eyelashes are added to make the characters' eyes virtual and real complement each other and have clear layers. The abstract form and exquisite layout during the moment of drinking and listening make the picture appear full and full, with endless twists and turns. Those who recognize it say that its charm is vivid, its spirit is flying, it is exquisite and skilled, its brushwork is strong, its lines are simple, its image is vivid, its density is appropriate, and its concentration and dispersion are orderly. However, it is very in line with the theme and concept, which shows the creative management. Wonderful, the entire painting is rough, simple, bold, and powerful, with a strong and imposing style of "rough and heavy". The brushwork is smooth, refined, and rough, with a well arranged layout, and the light, heavy, and virtual complement each other, It can be described as extremely thoughtful, humorous, and blended with one's own unique brushwork style. The strokes are vigorous, rustic, and elegant, making it unique in the art world