Zhang Daqian's paintings are freely discussed and enjoyed on four screens

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Zhang Daqian's paintings are freely discussed and enjoyed on four screens

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Daqian's paintings are freely discussed and enjoyed on four screens


Starting Price:280,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


张大千《畅淡尽欢》四条屏是他人物画中的代表作之一。这一作品以文人雅集为主题,描绘了文人们欢聚一堂,畅谈欢笑的场景。画面中的人物形象生动传神,姿态各异,神情逼真,给人以极强的生命力和感染力。同时,画面中的线条流畅自然,墨色变化丰富,充分展现了张大千的笔墨功力和艺术才华。整体来看,这一作品具有很高的艺术价值和历史价值,也是中国文化艺术宝库中的重要组成部分。Zhang Daqian's "Smooth and Joyful" four screen painting is one of his representative works in figure painting. This work is themed around literati gatherings, depicting scenes of literati gathering together, chatting and laughing. The characters in the picture are vivid and lifelike, with various postures and realistic expressions, giving people strong vitality and infectiousness. At the same time, the lines in the picture are smooth and natural, and the ink color changes are rich, fully demonstrating Zhang Daqian's brushwork and artistic talent. Overall, this work has high artistic and historical value, and is also an important component of China's cultural and artistic treasure trove.