Zhang Daqian's paintings of flowers and birds

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Zhang Daqian's paintings of flowers and birds

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Daqian's paintings of flowers and birds


Starting Price:190,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


张大千《花鸟》此画作清新雅致,以花鸟为主题,展现了他对大自然的热爱和对生命的敬畏。他的花鸟画作品笔墨流畅,色彩鲜艳,形象逼真,给人以极强的视觉冲击力和美感享受。同时,他的花鸟画作品中还融入了人文情怀和哲学思考,使画面更具有内涵和意义。Zhang Daqian's painting "Flowers and Birds" is fresh and elegant, with flowers and birds as the main themes, showcasing his love for nature and reverence for life. His flower and bird paintings have smooth brushwork, bright colors, and realistic images, giving people a strong visual impact and aesthetic enjoyment. At the same time, his flower and bird paintings also incorporate humanistic feelings and philosophical thinking, making the images more profound and meaningful.