Shen Zhenlin's painting depicts a portrait of Emperor Tongzhi in his school uniform

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Shen Zhenlin's painting depicts a portrait of Emperor Tongzhi in his school uniform

Auction Information

Product:Shen Zhenlin's painting depicts a portrait of Emperor Tongzhi in his school uniform


Starting Price:1,290,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


沈振麟是清代著名的宫廷画家,他的《同治皇帝学服写真小像》是一幅具有重要历史价值和艺术价值的作品。这幅画描绘了清朝同治皇帝在书房中学习的情景,展现了当时皇帝的日常生活和皇室教育的情况。 画中的书房布置简洁雅致,同治皇帝的形象描绘得生动传神,面部表情专注而温和,服饰描绘精致,色彩搭配和谐,画面中的景物和人物都刻画得细致入微,反映了当时社会的文化风貌和审美观念。Shen Zhenlin was a famous court painter in the Qing Dynasty, and his "Portrait of Emperor Tongzhi in School Uniform" is a work of significant historical and artistic value. This painting depicts the scene of Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty studying in his study, showcasing the daily life of the emperor and the education of the royal family at that time. The layout of the study in the painting is simple and elegant, and the image of Emperor Tongzhi is vividly depicted. His facial expressions are focused and gentle, his clothing is exquisitely depicted, and the color matching is harmonious. The scenery and characters in the painting are portrayed in detail, reflecting the cultural style and aesthetic concepts of the society at that time.