Teng Daimeng Drunken

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Teng Daimeng Drunken

Auction Information

Product:Teng Daimeng Drunken


Starting Price:60,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


钤印:滕黛梦、醉墨、勤能补拙 款识:醉酒,滕黛梦。说明:滕黛梦,姑苏才女,中国杰出的诗画家,曾参加国国际名画家评选、并获中国画一等奖,其作品到世界各国巡回展出,誉满海内外。她的画具有巨大的诱惑力,不但使人赏心悦目。妙趣横生,更有一种撩人心肺的艺术魅力,看了使人惊骇狂呼旷世奇才。Seal: Teng Daimeng, drunk ink, diligent to make up for the clumsiness. Recognition: Drunk, Teng Daimeng. Description: Teng Daimeng, a talented girl from Gusu, an outstanding poetic painter in China, has participated in the selection of international famous painters and won the first prize of Chinese painting. Her works have been exhibited on tour around the world and are well-known at home and abroad. Her paintings are so attractive that they are not only pleasing to the eye. It is full of wit, and there is a sultry artistic charm, and it makes people horrified and screaming at the world.