Zhang Daqian's Lotus Flower

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Zhang Daqian's Lotus Flower

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Daqian's Lotus Flower


Starting Price:187,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


张大千,原名正权,后改名爰,字季爰,号大千,别号大千居士、下里港人,斋名大风堂,中国近现代国画大家。张大千尤喜画荷花,这与他早年对佛教与莲荷的倾心有着密切联系。在佛教中,莲花被赋予了极乐净土和再生的象征。而大千之泼彩,气势恢宏,深邃神秘,再现了荷花的法相庄严。这篇文章就来介绍一下他的荷花作品。Zhang Daqian, originally named Zhengquan, later changed his name to Gu, with the courtesy name Jigu and the pen name Daqian. He was also known as Daqian Jushi or Xiali Hongkang, and his studio name was Dafengtang. He is a master of modern Chinese painting. Zhang Daqian particularly enjoys painting lotus flowers, which is closely related to his early love for Buddhism and lotus flowers. In Buddhism, lotus flowers are endowed with symbols of Pure Land and rebirth. And Da Qian's splashing of colors, grand momentum, profound mystery, reproduces the solemn appearance of lotus flowers. This article will introduce his lotus works.