The Palace Museum Collection Gold Collection Limited Edition "Along the River during the Qingming Festival "by Zhang Zeduan

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The Palace Museum Collection Gold Collection Limited Edition

Auction Information

Product:The Palace Museum Collection Gold Collection Limited Edition "Along the River during the Qingming Festival "by Zhang Zeduan


Starting Price:1,120,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:L:855cm W:33.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此件拍品:故宫珍藏黄金限量版《清明上河图》,是以北京故宫博物院所收藏的宋代最伟大的画家张择端著名的真迹为底本,运用高新科技和极其特殊的印刷工艺,以1:1的比例完全按真迹的彩画及题跋文字印刷在纯度为99.9%以上特制黄金“宣纸"上。再现了原图气势宏大,浑然一体的风采和神韵,这项个人绝难完成的大型国家文物复苏工程震撼了我国艺术品收藏界,被誉为“颠覆”性的创举! 经过精细装裱工艺的金画《清明上河图》画卷卷曲自如,画面流金溢彩,视觉冲击强烈,开辟了中国字画珍藏版本的新纪元。 本次推出的《清明上河图》是以黄金“宣纸”印制的艺术金画,为中国乃至世界首创。金“宣纸”与传统意义上的金箔有本质的不同,金箔易破易裂,不能用于机械彩印。而金画《清明上河图》所采用的黄金“宣纸”,制作时的黄金呈原子状态,在强电场的控制下有序、均匀地积淀,形成厚达约近万埃,纯度为99.9%的金宣纸。从金纸到黄金画卷,采用特殊高科技印刷技术,既能使彩画印刷于金纸上,又能保留黄金原有的光彩,具有结构细密、强度高、韧度足、不变色、附着力强、抗氧化、防潮防蛀等特性。这件珍贵金画融合了传统与现代艺术元素,被誉为无价之宝,具有极高的艺术价值和极高的升值潜力,并可以永久珍藏。 (因故宫珍藏黄金限量版清明上河图非常长,很难一张照片拍摄全画,所以您看到的藏品宣传照片是由10张照片拼接而成,宣传照片拼接处尤其是提拔文字处难免与藏品实物不同,请见谅,实物中的提拔文字完全整齐平行,藏品的实物画心与故宫珍藏的张择端的原作清明上河图完全相同)。 This auction item: The Palace Museum Collection, Gold Collection limited Edition "Along the River during the Qingming Festival "is based on the most famous original Chinese painting of Zhang Zeduan, the greatest artist of the Song Dynasty, collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing. High-tech and extremely special printing technology are used to print the color painting of the famous original work and its inscription text at a 1:1 ratio on special gold "Xuan paper" with a gold purity of over 99.9%. It reproduces the majestic, integrated style and charm of the original painting. This large-scale national cultural relics renaissance project, which is extremely difficult for an individual to complete, shocked the art collection industry in China and was hailed as a "subversive" initiative! The gold scroll of "Along the River During Qingming Festival" can be curled freely and is full of gold and color. Its visual impact is so strong that it is opening up a new era in the collections of Chinese calligraphy and painting. The "Along the River During Qingming Festival" launched this time is an artistic gold painting printed on gold purity of 99% "Xuan paper", which is the first of its kind in China and even the world. Gold "Xuan paper" is fundamentally different from gold foil in the traditional sense. Gold foil is easy to break and cannot be used for mechanical color printing. The gold "Xuan paper" used in the gold painting "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is made of gold in an atomic state. Under the control of a strong electric field, the gold is deposited in an orderly and uniform manner, forming a gold "Xuan paper" with a thickness of nearly 10,000 angstroms and a purity of 99.9%. From gold paper to gold scroll painting, special high-tech printing technology is used, which can not only print color painting on gold paper, but also retain the original brilliance of gold. It has the characteristics of fine structure, high strength, sufficient toughness, no discoloration, strong adhesion, anti-oxidation, moisture-proof and moth proof. This precious gold painting combines traditional and modern art elements and is hailed as a priceless treasure. It has an extremely high artistic value, extremely high potential for value appreciation, and can be treasured forever. (Because The Palace Museum Collection Gold Collection Limited Edition "Along the River during the Qingming Festival "by Zhang Zeduan is very long, it is difficult to capture the entire painting in just one photo,so the collection promotion photos you see are spliced ​​from 10 photos.The splicing of the promotional photos especially the inscription text part is inevitably different from the actual collection. Please forgive me.The inscription text in the actual collection is completely neat and parallel. The actual painting of the collection is exactly the same as the original work "Along the River during the Qingming Festival "by Zhang Zeduan collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing.)