Hetian jade bracelet

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Hetian jade bracelet

Auction Information

Product:Hetian jade bracelet


Starting Price:300,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:G:82.8g C:8.2cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


和田玉是中华民族的瑰宝,是中国国石。2003年10月历经几年的中国“国玉”评选工作结束,和田玉获得“美玉”称号,被中国宝玉石协会正式命名为“中国国石”。早在新石器时代,昆仑山下的先民们就发现了和田玉,并作为瑰宝和友谊媒介向东西方运送和交流,形成了我国最古老的和田玉运输通道“玉石之路”,即后来的“丝绸之路”的前身。玉文化历史最悠久、最能代表东方文明的古文化之一,玉代表了品德高尚、美好与尊贵。Hetian jade is the treasure of the Chinese nation, is China's national stone. In October 2003, after several years of China's "national jade" selection work, Hetian jade won the "jade" title, by the Chinese Gem Association officially named "China's national stone." As early as the Neolithic Age, the ancestors of the Kunlun Mountains found Hetian jade, and as a treasure and friendship media to the East and West transport and communication, formed China's oldest Hetian jade transport channel "jade road," that later on the "Silk Road" predecessor. Jade culture has the longest history and is one of the most representative ancient cultures of Eastern civilization. Jade represents noble character, beauty and dignity.