A pair of white jade auspicious beasts from the Han Dynasty

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A pair of white jade auspicious beasts from the Han Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:A pair of white jade auspicious beasts from the Han Dynasty


Starting Price:2,030,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:9.5/9cm L:26/28cm Wt:1679/1791g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此对汉代白玉瑞兽造型威武霸气,品相完好,雕刻精细,包浆浑厚,整体造型精美,寓意吉祥如意、招财进宝,保存状态良好,不仅具有极高的艺术价值,而且因其稀少和精美,也具有很高的收藏价值。This pair of Han Dynasty white jade auspicious beasts has a majestic and domineering appearance, with intact appearance, fine carving, thick patina, and exquisite overall shape, symbolizing good luck and prosperity, attracting wealth and treasures. They are well preserved and not only have high artistic value, but also have high collection value due to their rarity and exquisite appearance.