Qi Ming Dao Coin

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Qi Ming Dao Coin

Auction Information

Product:Qi Ming Dao Coin


Starting Price:165,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品端庄大方,稳重典雅,雕工娴熟,塑造均自然流畅,取材独特,造型奇巧玲珑,雕工妙到颠毫,清晰又不刻 露,纹饰与材质之美交融合一,可见匠工之不俗,纹理和的质感也能精确地反映出来,纹饰气势磅礴,包浆自然,局部氧化闪现柔美蓝绿彩光 ,光泽度令人惊艳,形制奇特,身份颇为传奇,该钱存世极罕,字口深峻,周身毛刺尚未锉去,品相甚佳,弥足珍贵,周边留存有浇铸痕迹, 铸造工艺精湛,打模极深,细腻光洁,状态颇佳,雕刻技艺极尽精湛。This product is dignified and elegant, steady and graceful, skilled in carving, with natural and smooth shaping. The material is unique, the shape is exquisite and exquisite, and the carving is so delicate that it is clear and not exposed. The beauty of the decoration and material is integrated, which shows the excellence of the craftsmanship. The texture and texture can also be accurately reflected. The decoration is magnificent, the patina is natural, the local oxidation flashes soft blue-green color light, the glossiness is stunning, the shape is peculiar, and the identity is quite legendary. The coin is extremely rare in existence, the character mouth is deep and steep, the burrs around the body have not been filed off, the appearance is very good, extremely precious, and there are casting marks left around. The casting process is exquisite, the mold is extremely deep, delicate and smooth, and the state is quite good. The carving is excellent. The skills are extremely exquisite.